NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Clarkson plans sports photo workshop

May 6, 2009 9:35:31 AM

The NCAA News

A five-day Sports Photography Workshop will bring together top sports photographers and picture editors for intense training in creating spectacular sports pictures and using them innovatively.

For photographers specializing in school sports coverage, specific sessions will show how athletics departments use pictures most effectively. The workshop, which will be conducted June 28-July 3, goes into technical areas ranging from digital workflows to creative lighting to innovative uses of remote cameras.

The faculty includes Jeff Jacobsen, photographer for the University of Kansas athletics department, Sports Illustrated photographers Heinz Kluetmeier and Bill Frakes; Associated Press photographers Mark Terrill, Amy Sancetta and Charles Arbogast; Brad Smith, sports picture editor of the New York Times; Colorado Springs Gazette photographer Mark Reis; and top freelance photographers Joey Terrell, Keith Ladzinski and Dave Black.

The workshops are organized by Rich Clarkson, longtime Sports Illustrated photographer and one-time National Geographic director of photography. His company created NCAA Photos and has photographed championships and other events for the organization for more than 15 years.

Sponsors Nikon provides the latest cameras and lenses for each participant, and Apple provides computers for image processing. The workshop is held in Colorado Springs with many sessions incorporating athletes at the nearby U. S. Olympic Training Center.

More information can be found on the workshop’s Web page.

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