NCAA News Archive - 2009

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Buffalo State president to head public-ed association

Apr 2, 2009 9:02:54 AM

The NCAA News

The American Association of State Colleges and Universities named Buffalo State President Muriel A. Howard its new president, effective August 1. The Washington, D.C.-based association leads 430 public colleges in universities.

Howard has held Buffalo State’s presidency for 13 years, and during her tenure, the student academic profile improved, enrollment and faculty hires increased and a $350 million construction plan was devised. While president at Buffalo State, Howard served a term as chair of the AASCU board, and she was active with the group’s New Presidents’ Academy and Millennium Leadership Initiative.

“After so many years in this community, I have great affection for Buffalo State, western New York, and the State University of New York,” she said. “Over the past several years, we have accomplished an enormous amount for our students and for the community, and I know there is great momentum for this work to go on. As the AASCU president, I will have a wonderful opportunity to continue to advocate for public policy in support of students at state colleges and universities.”

Howard was vice president for public service at Buffalo before coming to Buffalo State. She holds degrees from the City University of New York’s Richmond College and Buffalo.

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