NCAA News Archive - 2006
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NCAA Digest
By Jack Copeland
The NCAA News
Women’s athletics
Committee statement backs ban on male practice players
The NCAA Committee on Women’s Athletics has issued a position statement calling for a ban on the use of male practice players in women’s intercollegiate athletics. The statement comes after months of debate within the governance structure and elsewhere in the membership about whether the practice should be allowed to continue.
The CWA first raised the issue in October 2004 when members said the practice was contrary to the committee’s mission of providing opportunities for women in college sports. The committee has pushed since then to eliminate the practice.
The matter has been surveyed and debated in each division, but Division III is the only one to have legislation on the table at this year’s Convention. The proposal being considered does not eliminate the practice, but limits it to the traditional season and in only one practice per week. The proposal also would limit the number of male practice players in team sports to no more than half of the number required to field a starting women’s team (for example, only two male practice players would be permitted in a sport with five starting players).
The other two divisions are still gathering information and feedback on the matter.
Fan accommodation
NCAA contracts with company offering Men’s Final Four service
The NCAA has announced it will partner with an event-management and ticket-hospitality firm to provide services, including a fan ticket exchange, for the 2007 Men’s Final Four.
RazorGator Experiences will be the Association’s official ticket, hospitality and hotel package provider. The Association will work closely with the firm to create a comprehensive program for fans, the membership and other organizations.
The company will provide ticket and hospitality management and strategic marketing, specifically hotel accommodations, transportation, planning, catering, sales, entertainment, décor and other event management services.
RazorGator Experiences also will negotiate with fans on the resale of their game tickets via the Fan2Fan Ticket Exchange Program if they are unable to use their tickets or if their team loses in the semifinal basketball game
Division II
Advisory group outlines objectives of community-involvement effort
The Division II Community Advisory Group sharpened its focus on what Division II’s community-engagement initiative is intended to accomplish during a December 5 meeting in Indianapolis.
Extensive discussion at the December 5 meeting made it clear that the group is concerned that the initiative will be compromised if institutional presidents and other key personnel regard the project as too labor intensive or as duplicating programs already in place.
Instead, the Division II plan seeks to use the fun inherent in college athletics, along with the power of athletics events to bring significant numbers of people together, to promote an institution in general so that its community has a better understanding and appreciation of the benefits that the overall university offers.

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