NCAA News Archive - 2006

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Student-athlete experience gains focus in football

Feb 27, 2006 1:01:13 AM

Banking on the already strong tradition of the Division III Football Championship, the Division III Football Committee is taking strategic steps to make the student-athlete experience even better at future championships.


The committee developed a number of administrative priorities at its annual meeting January 31-February 3 in Key West, Florida, aimed at improving not only at the Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl, but also the preliminary rounds of the championship.


Areas the committee will monitor are:  


  • Ensuring the best facilities and field conditions possible;
  • Quality lodging for teams and officials;
  • Meaningful promotional efforts by the host (banners and street poles, for example);
  • On-site hospitality;
  • Increased ticket sales;
  • Ancillary events at the Stagg Bowl;
  • Community-outreach activities at the Stagg Bowl; and
  • NCAA corporate champion and partner support at the final site.


“We’re all trying to maintain some equity and continuity where the championship is being played,” said Al Dorenkamp, the committee chair and athletics director at Central College (Iowa).


The Stagg Bowl, which is scheduled to be played in Salem, Virginia, through 2007, already features several ancillary events, such as the awarding of the Gagliardi Trophy, which goes to the player of the year in Division III football. But committee members think there is room for more.


Similarly, a traditional community-service initiative calls for both teams to visit local hospitals and schools, which boosts the identities of the competing institutions. The committee believes that has been a successful and worthy effort over the years.


Dorenkamp said the group also talked about enhancing the pre-championship banquet for student-athletes and parents. “You’re always challenged with how much time you take at a banquet and how long the focus is,” he said. “Do you bring in a top-notch speaker, or focus on the students who are there?”


Practice conditions in all rounds also is a committee priority. For example, during the week leading up to the 2005 Stagg Bowl, icy conditions in Salem meant both teams to drive 45 minutes to an indoor facility at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.


One recommendation the committee made to improve the championship is to allow officiating crews from a specific conference to work multiple games in the bracket. A crew also would be allowed to work more than one game involving a particular team.


“In the past, there was some concern that some conference assignors of officials might be saving their best crews for later rounds of the playoffs,” Dorenkamp said. “Our job is to make sure we have the best possible officials for all rounds.”


The concept would have to be approved by the Division III Championships Committee.


On the selection end of the spectrum, the Division III Football Committee is asking institutions to start their final regular-season games no later than 1:30 p.m. local time. That way, West Coast games would end at a more reasonable hour and give committee members of the group more time to devote to the selection process.


Committee members also discussed acclimatization procedures for Division III institutions during the preseason practice period. The committee is seeking membership support to allow football student-athletes one walk-through per day in the first five days of summer practice.


The concept already has been implemented in Divisions I and II.


The Division III committee believes that since the acclimatization process takes place in the summer, there shouldn’t be any conflict over missed class time.

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