Bowling to raise funds - On Saturday April 8th, 2006 the Frostburg State University football team (NCAA III) participated in a Bowl-A-Thon aimed at raising money for Big Brother Big Sisters of Allegany County (MD). Each player raised a minimum of $25 by asking for donations throughout the community. The event, which is participated in annually by the team, raised over $2,500 by the nearly 100 members of the team. Stacey Lowman, the Executive Director of Big Brother and Big Sisters coordinated the event with the FSU Coaching Staff. The proceeds benefited their effort to provide service to children. The money raised will help expand services to those children waiting for a Big Brother, Big Sister and to support group activities held throughout the year. The proceeds will also support a school based mentoring program. This program will allow more children to be served and is an additional resource for the classroom teacher.