NCAA News Archive - 2006

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Test of wits: Centennial puzzle is educational entertainment

Crossword puzzle
Dec 7, 2005 10:41:16 AM

Fans at NCAA championship events will be able to test their knowledge of college sports by completing a crossword puzzle based on the NCAA Centennial celebration.

The puzzle page will be included in every NCAA championship game program produced by Host Communications, Inc. Developed by NCAA staff and produced by Host, the questions focus on influential people and events both from the Association's past and present.

Some of the questions are relatively easy for the most casual of fans, but others will test even veteran athletics administrators' memories. The answers are not available in the game programs, though readers will be prompted to find them on the Centennial pages on The goal is to drive traffic to the Web site.

The questions cover topics as diverse as the Association itself. There also is a cross-promotional element to the puzzle, since fans at one championship will be learning about other sports as well.

"Solving the puzzle may not necessarily prompt fans at the lacrosse championship to take up watching ice hockey, too, but it may get them to find out more about other sports and the NCAA in general," said John Johnson, NCAA director of promotions and events. "This is a creative approach that incorporates some entertainment into a learning tool."

Host Communications, which has a long-standing relationship as the provider of game programs for NCAA championships, is devoting other program pages to the Centennial celebration as well. Host also is recognizing the 25th anniversary of NCAA women's championships by highlighting anniversary teams and individuals.

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