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Division II interpretations

Mar 29, 2004 2:01:43 PM

The NCAA News

Teleconference No. 1
February 4, 2004

Use of a Student-Athlete's Name or Picture

on a Promotional Item

The Interpretations Subcommittee of the Division II Legislation Committee determined that the provisions of NCAA Bylaw (institutional, charitable, educational or nonprofit promotions) are applicable to institutional, educational, charitable and nonprofit promotional presentations (for example, compact-disk presentations) that include the name or picture of student-athletes with remaining eligibility in the presentation. Such items are considered printed materials and, thus, may include a sponsoring company's logo or trademark. [Reference: NCAA Bylaw (institutional, charitable, educational or nonprofit promotions).]

Institution Placing Advertisement in Athletics Publication

It is not permissible for an institution to place any type of advertisement (athletics or nonathletics) in game programs related to the athletics participation of prospects in recruiting publications or in any publication (or single issue of a publication) that is devoted primarily to reporting on the athletics participation of prospects. [Reference: NCAA Bylaw (recruiting advertisements) and a 10/8/92 official interpretation, Item No. 3, which has been archived.]

Coaches' Attendance at NBA Predraft Camp

Outside a Contact or Evaluation Period

It is not permissible for an institutional coaching staff member to attend activities in which prospective student-athletes participate during an NBA predraft camp that occurs outside a contact or evaluation period. [References: NCAA Bylaws (contact period), (evaluation period); 13.02.5 (evaluation); 13.02.8 (prospective student-athlete) and 30.11.1 (basketball, men's).]

Advertisement of Institution's Educational Programs in a High School or Two-Year College

It is not permissible for an institution to place any institutional advertisement (athletics or nonathletics) in a high-school or two-year college athletics facility during the conduct of an athletics event. [References: NCAA Bylaws (recruiting advertisements) and 13.16.1 (prohibited expenses); a 02/03/94 official interpretation, Item No. 2; a 08/27/92 official interpretation, Item No. 4; a 08/17/89 official interpretation, Item No. 5; and a 12/21/88 staff interpretation, Item d.]

Four-Year College Transfer Prospective Student-Athlete Participating

in Weightlifting Activities on an Institution's Campus

It is permissible for a four-year college transfer prospective student-athlete to participate in weightlifting activities on an institution's campus, provided: (a). such activity is not prearranged; (b) the strength and conditioning coach is performing normal duties and responsibilities in the supervision of the weight room and does not conduct the workout; and (c) the four-year college transfer prospect has signed a written offer of financial aid and/or admission. [References: NCAA Bylaws 13.2 (offers and inducements); 13.12.1 (prohibited activities); (recreational activities); a 11/12/2003 staff interpretation, Item No. 1b; and a 06/21/01 official interpretation, Item No. 1.]

Use of Scheduled Contests for Hardship Waiver

For a student-athlete who incurred a season-ending injury or illness before the 2002-03 academic year and has remaining eligibility may qualify for a hardship waiver if he or she satisfies either the current rule (using the number of scheduled contests/dates of competition) or the rule in effect at the time of the injury or illness (completed contests/dates of competition). [References: NCAA Bylaw 14.2.5 (hardship waiver).]

Teleconference No. 2
March 5, 2004

Educational Expenses Provided to a Prospective Student-Athlete for Attendance at a Two-Year College

Before initial full-time collegiate enrollment, it is permissible for a prospective student-athlete to receive educational expenses for attendance at two-year college as a part-time student, from any individual or entity other than an agent, professional sports team/organization or a representative of an institution's athletics interest, provided such expenses are disbursed directly through the prospective student-athlete's educational institution. [Reference: Bylaw (educational expenses -- before collegiate enrollment).]

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