NCAA News Archive - 2003

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< Input on NCAA strategic plan broadens with launch of Web-based survey

Sep 15, 2003 3:35:00 PM

The NCAA News

Thousands of individuals with connections to the NCAA soon will be able to take part in a Web survey designed to test themes being developed for the NCAA strategic plan.

Those who will be given an opportunity to participate include presidents, athletics administrators, coaches, student-athletes and others, such as representatives of higher education associations and media.

The survey will gauge constituent reaction to a proposed NCAA core purpose, to a set of core values and to a single, large Association-wide goal. In addition, the survey will inquire about proposed three- to five-year goals that support the draft purpose and values.

"Everything that is being tested in this survey has been developed through a data-collection phase that involved 600 individuals from 19 constituent groups," said Jim Isch, NCAA chief financial officer. "What this step provides is the opportunity for a broad range of the membership to react to these proposed principles, which will form the framework for NCAA decision-making for years to come."

Isch emphasized that the survey is not a tool to evaluate NCAA performance. Instead, he said it is an opportunity for key stakeholders to respond to the purpose, values and organizational goals of the NCAA. Participants also will have an opportunity to offer advice to NCAA leadership as part of the process.

Most respondents will need about 15 minutes to complete the survey. They will be advised of the participation opportunity through an e-mail that will provide them with a Web address through which the survey can be accessed.

The deadline for completing the form will be September 29.

The results of the survey will be considered only in aggregate form, and the NCAA will not have access to any individual responses.

Individuals experiencing problems with completing the survey should contact Other questions about the survey should be directed to

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