NCAA News Archive - 2002

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Membership Committee sets provisional boundary

Mar 4, 2002 4:12:39 PM

The NCAA News

The Division II Membership Committee determined at its February 10-12 meeting that Division II institutions seeking Division I membership will not be eligible for championships competition during their provisional membership period.

The committee examined the issue in response to Division I Proposal No. 01-121, which would require NCAA members reclassifying to Division I to serve a one-year exploratory period plus a four-year provisional membership process.

The Membership Committee agreed that Division II members could retain championships eligibility during the exploratory period but not while completing the Division I provisional membership period. The effect is that an institution reclassifying from Division II to Division I would be ineligible to compete in any NCAA championship for four years.

Because the decision confirms existing practice, no further action is required, although an interpretation may be issued to clarify that reclassifying members would be eligible during the exploratory period.

Other business

The committee also reviewed 2002 Convention Proposal No. 17 and agreed to recommend that current Division II members be permitted to use both indoor and outdoor track and field to meet the new sports-sponsorship requirement, along with any Division I sport the institution sponsors. The legislation, which increased the number of sports required for Division II membership from eight to 10, was approved with an August 1, 2005, effective date. However, delegates noted that a number of active institutions currently not in compliance with the new rule would comply if they were permitted to count track differently or count Division I teams.

The committee also revised the Institutional Self-Study Guide based on recommendations from various committees. A final draft of the revised document will go to the Presidents Council in July; assuming the presidents approve the document, it will be available to the membership by August 1.

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