NCAA News Archive - 2000

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News Digest

Feb 14, 2000 11:10:21 AM

The NCAA News


Committee seeks survey on minority participation

The NCAA Committee on Women's Athletics has forwarded a number of recommendations pertaining to its charge to develop a five-year plan to address gender equity and diversity within the Association.

Among other things, the committee requested that the NCAA research staff develop a survey instrument to collect data on minority participation by gender and by sport at the youth, high-school and college levels. The committee also recommended that the NCAA conduct a joint initiative with the National Federation of State High School Associations to survey participation trends.

Staff contact: Jane Meyer



Published stories misportrayed Divisions I and II actions

A story that appeared in newspapers across the country February 3 mischaracterized actions taken recently by the Divisions I and II membership relating to initial eligibility.

NCAA initial-eligibility standards have not changed. The only change that occurred as a result of legislation approved at the January NCAA Convention involves the simplification of criteria for defining what constitutes a high-school core course for initial-eligibility purposes. The change becomes effective with student-athletes first entering college on or after August 1, 2000.

The criteria for determining a core course are changing. The NCAA's core-course definition is more closely aligned with definitions already in place at high schools. The NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse process remains the same.

The Association, working in conjunction with representatives of the high-school community, is reaffirming that high-school principals have primary authority for evaluating high-school course offerings as they relate to NCAA core-curriculum standards.

"We will still play a role in determining core courses," said Kevin C. Lennon, NCAA vice-president for membership services. "This is an example of the NCAA working with high schools and making changes that are reflective of the trends in high-school curricula."

Staff contact: Kevin C. Lennon.



Division I cabinet prioritizes expense requests

The Division I Championships/Competition Cabinet has developed a list of priorities for the Management Council and Board of Directors to consider for the 2000-01 budget cycle.

The cabinet considered requests totaling more than $2 million at its February 1-3 meeting. Most of those involved bracket expansion, increases in squad sizes in women's sports, higher officiating fees, and transportation or per diem allocations. Staff contact: Tricia Bork

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