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The following are reports of the January 7-8 meeting of the Division I Management Council and the January 11 meeting of the Division I Board of Directors at the Marriott Hotel and Marina in San Diego in conjunction with the NCAA Convention. Because of the short turnaround between the two meetings, the Council and Board reports are combined for ease of reference. All actions taken by the Council and Board are included. Highlights of the meetings were reported in the January 17 issue of The NCAA News.
The following items were acted upon by both the Management Council and Board of Directors:
1. Emergency, Noncontroversial Legislation.
a. Proposal No. 99-46 -- Initial Eligibility -- Core-Curriculum Requirements -- Nontraditional Courses. Intent: To permit independent study courses, correspondence courses, Internet-based courses, distance learning courses, individualized instruction courses and courses taught by similar means to be used to meet the core-curriculum requirements, provided certain criteria are met.
(1) Suggested that the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet review the types and number of courses used to meet the core-curriculum requirements under this bylaw and submit a report to the Management Council regarding the impact of this legislation after the first year and whether the legislation should continue to remain in effect.
(2) Gave final approval and forwarded the proposal to the Board for adoption, effective immediately. (For 47, against 1, not present 3.) [See Vote No. 2.]
BOARD ACTION: Adopted the proposal, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote.)
b. Proposal No. 99-47 -- Initial Eligibility -- Freshman Academic Requirements. Intent: To amend the initial-eligibility core-course requirement in the area of mathematics to require the successful completion of two years of mathematics courses at the level of Algebra I or above.
MC ACTION: Gave final approval and forwarded the proposal to the Board for adoption, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote.)
BOARD ACTION: Adopted the proposal, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote.)
c. Proposal No. 99-48 -- Initial Eligibility -- Core-Curriculum Requirements. Intent: To redefine a core course for purposes of meeting the initial-eligibility core-curriculum requirement, as specified.
MC ACTION: Gave final approval and forwarded the proposal to the Board for adoption, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote.)
BOARD ACTION: Adopted the proposal, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote.)
d. Proposal No. 2000-01 -- Marketing, Licensing, Promotions and Public Affairs Duties of the NCAA President and Staff.
(1) Reviewed a legislative proposal, which would specify that the president of the Association shall be responsible for the oversight and administration of all marketing, licensing, promotions and public affairs initiatives and shall have authority to appoint advisory groups to assist in developing policies to review any initiative; further, to specify that the president of the Association shall have the authority to determine the specific terms and conditions and to execute contracts for the awarding of all marketing, licensing and promotional rights on behalf of the Association.
(2) Amended the proposal to specify that each division's presidential administrative group and Management Council may request a report related to any matter handled by the president under the authority of this legislation. (For 38, against 10, not present 3.) [See Vote No. 1.]
(3) Gave approval and forwarded the proposal as amended to the Board for adoption, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote.)
BOARD ACTION: Amended the proposal to clarify the president's authority to enforce, as well as execute, contracts; and adopted the proposal as amended by the Management Council and Board, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote.)
e. Proposal No. 2000-02 -- Certified Events -- Division I-AA Football.
MC ACTIONS: The Division I-AA Football Governance Committee reviewed an application for certification of a preseason exempted event from Dove Entertainment and heard a presentation from the chief executive officer, J.T. Thompson, regarding the NAACP/HBCU Kick-off Classic, which tentatively has been scheduled for August 2000. The committee noted that the current legislated requirements for football exempted events in Bylaw 30.10.2, including the financial guarantees and a $1.5 million letter of credit, apply to Divisions I-A and I-AA but were drafted for Division I-A events and do not appear appropriate for Division I-AA.
The committee agreed to forward emergency legislation to the Board of Directors to establish the following Division I-AA specific requirements effective immediately.
* Payment in advance for travel expenses consistent with those provided to the institutions that participate in the Division I-AA football championship game;
* $175,000 financial guarantee to each institution above expenses; and
* $1 million letter of credit.
The committee noted that it would act on the NAACP/
HBCU Kick-off Classic application after the Board of Directors had an opportunity to consider revising the Division I-AA requirements at its January 11 meeting.
BOARD ACTION: Adopted the proposal, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote -- Division I-AA only.)
[See also Item No. 8-C below in the Management Council section of this report.]
f. Proposal No. 2000-03 -- Committees -- Committee on Infractions. Intent: To modify the requirements for term of office on the Committee on Infractions to permit the coordinator of appeals position to be filled by a former member of the committee who has previously served nine years; further, to specify that the coordinator of appeals position shall not be considered in determining whether the committee's nonpublic members satisfy subdivisional requirements.
MC ACTION: Gave final approval and forwarded the proposal to the Board for adoption, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote.)
BOARD ACTION: Adopted the proposal, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote.)
2. Working Group to Study Division I Basketball Issues.
a. Proposals related to the Working Group to Study Division I Basketball Issues. Solely for the purpose of initiating the 60-day membership comment period and without taking any substantive position, gave initial approval to the following new alternative proposals submitted by various Division I conferences before December 15 (Unanimous voice vote):
(1) Proposal No. 99-120-C -- Summer Financial Aid -- Division I Basketball. Intent: To permit a Division I institution to provide athletically related financial aid to a prospective basketball student-athlete to attend the institution's summer term prior to the prospective student's initial, full-time collegiate enrollment, provided he or she is enrolled in a minimum of six hours of academic course work (other than physical education activity courses) that is acceptable degree credit toward any of the institution's degree programs.
(2) Proposal No. 99-121-B -- Financial Aid Limitations -- Division I Men's Basketball. Intent: In Division I, to continue to include a student-athlete in the institution's maximum award limitations in the sport of men's basketball for a specified period of time, if the student-athlete departs the institution and would not have been eligible for intercollegiate competition had the student remained at the institution.
(3) Proposal No. 99-121-D -- Financial Aid -- Division I Men's Basketball -- Overall Counters. Intent: To permit a Division I institution that achieves a graduation rate of 75 percent or higher in the sports of men's basketball to receive one additional counter (i.e., annual total of 14) in that sport.
(4) Proposal No. 99-122-B -- Financial Aid -- Initial Counters -- Division I Men's Basketball. Intent: To establish a limit of four on the number of initial counters in the sport of Division I men's basketball and to exclude from such limits any student-athlete (recruited or nonrecruited) who is receiving financial aid that is certified by the financial aid office as having been granted without regard in any degree to athletic ability.
(5) Proposal No. 99-124-B -- Continuing Eligibility -- Division I Basketball. Intent: To require entering freshman student-athletes in the sport of Division I basketball to successfully complete a minimum of 12 hours by the conclusion of the student-athlete's first term of enrollment and achieve a minimum grade-point average of 2.000 based on all work taken at the conclusion of the student-athlete's first term of full-time enrollment; further, to clarify that prerequisites for specific courses acceptable for any degree credit may be used in meeting the minimum 12-hour requirement, provided such courses are acceptable for any degree program at the certifying institution.
(6) Proposal No. 99-125-C -- Transfer Eligibility -- Division I Basketball. Intent: To specify that all midyear four-year college transfers in the sport of Division I basketball shall be eligible for competition no earlier than the ensuing academic year; further to specify that all two-year college transfers in the sport of Division I basketball must satisfy an academic year in residence before being eligible for intercollegiate basketball competition.
(7) Proposal No. 99-128-E -- Recruiting Calendar -- Division I Men's Basketball. Intent: To revise the Division I men's basketball recruiting calendar.
(8) Proposal No. 99-128-F -- Recruiting Calendar -- Division I Men's Basketball. Intent: To revise the Division I men's basketball recruiting calendar.
(9) Proposal No. 99-128-G -- Recruiting Calendar -- Division I Men's Basketball. Intent: To revise the Division I men's basketball recruiting calendar.
b. April review of all Working Group and conference proposals. Noted that in April, it is anticipated the Management Council will take final action on all of the proposals related to the Working Group to Study Division I Basketball Issues, after reviewing a detailed legal analysis and the estimated financial impact of each proposal. (Unanimous voice vote.)
c. Proposal No. 99-128-H -- Recruiting Calendar -- Division I Men's Basketball. Intent: To revise the current men's basketball recruiting calendar to permit coaches to attend the Hoops Summit contest during the dead period that occurs during the NCAA Division I men's basketball tournament.
MC ACTION: Considered a request that the proposal be considered emergency, noncontroversial legislation, determined that the proposal was not emergency, noncontroversial legislation and that there are legal issues related to the identification of a specific event tied to a commercial entity; and tabled the proposal until the next legislative meeting of the Management Council in April.
a. Preparation for April Board of Directors and Management Council review of the Working Group and alternative proposals.
(1) Agreed that a small group of Board members should meet with a small group of Management Council members before the April Management Council meeting to discuss the membership reaction to all of the proposals and to assess the general position of the Board regarding the fundamental goals addressed by the proposals.
(2) Encouraged the members of the Board to send any comments or reactions to the proposals to David Berst or to the chair of the Board before the preparatory meeting.
(3) Requested that NCAA legal counsel provide thorough written analysis of the various proposals.
b. Communication with institutional chief executive officers.
(1) Agreed that it is important to communicate immediately with Division I chief executive officers regarding the process for reviewing the proposals related to the recommendations of the Basketball Working Group, the issues affecting Division I basketball and the rationale underlying the responsibilities of the Board in the representative governance structure.
(2) Noted that following Board action in April, Division I chief executive officers should receive additional information regarding the goals and rationale for the package of proposals adopted.
3. Waiver for a member of the Committee on Women's Athletics.
MC ACTION: Approved a waiver, subject to ratification by the Board of Directors, of the "on the staff" requirement under Bylaw to permit Dorothy Alston, senior woman administrator at North Carolina A&T State University, to serve through the end of the June 2000 meeting of the Committee on Women's Athletics, even though she is retiring on January 1, 2000. (Unanimous voice vote.)
BOARD ACTION: Ratified the waiver. (Unanimous voice vote.)
4. Meeting Minutes.
MC ACTION: Approved the minutes of the October 18-19, 1999, Management Council meeting as distributed. (Unanimous voice vote.)
(1) Clarified that in the October 28, 1999, minutes of the Board of Directors meeting, Item No. 6 regarding the gender equity and diversity goal of the strategic plan is not intended to apply directly to member institutions and amended the introductory paragraph to state:
"Agreed with the intent of the goal regarding gender equity and diversity, but noted that it applies directly to the operation of the Association (national office and committee structure) and that the emphasis areas should be restated to promote and encourage gender equity and diversity in the intercollegiate athletics programs of member institutions as follows:"
[Note: The emphasis areas identified in the October 28, 1999, minutes remain unchanged.]
(2) Approved the minutes of the October 28, 1999, meeting as amended. (Unanimous voice vote.)
5. Federal Relations Report.
FYI: Each group received a report on key Congressional and governmental activities of interest to the NCAA, including the status of the Association's support of proposed federal legislation to prohibit gambling on college and amateur sports in all states, anticipated opposition and comments from the gaming industry, and the need for NCAA institutions to contact their U.S. Senators and Representatives.
6. Litigation Update.
FYI: Each group received a report from NCAA legal counsel concerning current litigation involving the Association.
7. Discussion of Initial-Eligibility Standards.
(1) Heard a report regarding the status of the Cureton litigation and the continued discussions of the initial-eligibility consultants.
(2) Noted that until the courts have determined whether and how the NCAA initial-eligibility standards are subject to legal scrutiny under Title VI, the Board would not alter the current standard.
(3) Agreed that the initial-eligibility consultants should continue to review data for future consideration by the Board.
(4) Requested that NCAA staff prepare for Board review in April a proposed protocol for increasing the flexibility in reviewing initial-eligibility waivers, including the possible variables, the limits of the flexibility and any legal ramifications.
The following items were acted upon by the Board of Directors:
1. Division I Budget Issues.
a. Allocation of rights-fee contract bonus payment. Allocated $30 million of the $40 million bonus payment from the CBS rights-fee contract as follows (Unanimous voice vote):
* $10 million supplemental distribution during the first quarter of 2000 using the Division I distribution formula.
* $20 million added to the normal Division I distributions in April and August 2000.
[Note: The Executive Committee subsequently agreed to allocate the remaining $10 million: $6,980,000 to Association-wide reserves and $3,020,000 to Divisions II and III as required in the Constitutional guarantee.]
b. Discussion of the appropriate gender ratio for Division I championships.
(1) Received a report regarding the guidelines used by the Championships/Competition Cabinet for reviewing possible expansion to championship brackets and field sizes and information related to gender equity in the NCAA championships program.
(2) Requested that NCAA staff develop recommendations for review by the Board regarding the determination of the Association's goal for the ratio of female and male participants in NCAA championships.
2. Update from the Chair of the Board.
(1) Reviewed correspondence received by the chair regarding topics of interest to the Board.
(2) Agreed that NCAA staff should review information from the International Youth Foundation regarding its Global Alliance for Workers and Communities to determine whether the Board should receive additional information or a brief presentation regarding the group's efforts to address working conditions in overseas apparel factories.
3. Division I Football.
BOARD ACTION: Received comments from the NCAA president regarding the impact of the sport of football on Division I; agreed that the president should continue to discuss a written proposal, recently received from an external entity, regarding a Division I-A postseason football opportunity administered by the NCAA; and confirmed that the Board should continue to be informed of the status of these discussions and related issues.
4. Appointment of Division I-AA Replacements for George Dennison.
BOARD ACTION: Appointed the following individuals to replace George Dennison on various committees and subcommittees, effective at the conclusion of the January 2000 Executive Committee meeting (Unanimous voice vote.):
* Executive Committee -- Leroy Davis, South Carolina State University.
* Division I Budget Subcommittee -- Leroy Davis, South Caroling State University.
* Executive Committee Subcommittee on Gender and Ethnicity -- Harold Shapiro, Princeton University.
The following items were acted upon by the Management Council:
1. Division I Administrative Committee Report on Interim Actions.
Minutes of the November 4, November 22, December 2 and December 20 Division I Management Council Administrative Committee conferences.
MC ACTION: Approved the minutes as distributed. (Unanimous voice vote.)
2. Report of the Board of Directors' October 28, 1999, Meeting.
(1) Received a report regarding the Board of Directors October 28, 1999, meeting.
(2) Expressed to the Management Council members of the Division I Budget Subcommittee for the committee's consideration during review of the 2000-01 budget continued support for reimbursing transportation expenses for teams participating in preliminary (play-in) games of NCAA team championships. For the 1999-00 academic year, transportation costs are estimated to range from minimal ground transportation to a total of $150,000 in the sports of field hockey, men's soccer, women's soccer and women's softball. (Unanimous voice vote.)
3. Report of the Executive Committee October 29, 1999, Meeting.
FYI: Received a report of the Executive Committee October 29, 1999, meeting and took no action.
4. NCAA President's Report.
(1) Received a report of key issues, including the details of the television rights fee contract with CBS and information regarding the public relations plan.
(2) Commended the president and NCAA staff members for the diligence, expertise and tireless efforts during the contract negotiations.
5. Minutes from the Legislative Review/Interpretations Subcommittee of the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet.
MC ACTIONS: Approved the minutes as distributed. (Unanimous voice vote.)
6. Committee Reports.
a. Mountain West Conference Appointment to the Division I Football Issues Committee.
MC ACTION: Appointed Lee Moon, director of athletics, University of Wyoming, as the Mountain West Conference representative to the committee. (Unanimous voice vote.)
b. Report from the Committee on Women's Athletics.
MC ACTION: Noted that the following items, also included in the report of the Executive Committee Subcommittee on Gender and Ethnicity, had been referred as indicated by the Management Council Administrative Committee:
* Recommendation that the Management Council develop a plan to ensure that the minimum representation requirements for women and minorities within the governance structure do not become the maximums. [Management Council Governance Subcommittee and Selection Review Committee.]
* Recommendation that legislation be proposed to exempt the emerging sport of women's bowling from requiring a minimum of 40 institutions to sponsor the sport in order to be classified as a championship sport. [Championships/Competition Cabinet.]
* Recommendation that legislation be proposed to create Association-wide rules committees for volleyball and soccer, and that the NCAA allocate additional funding for officiating clinics for these sports. [Championships/Competition Cabinet.]
c. Report from the National Youth Sports Program.
MC ACTION: Determined that a legislative proposal to expand the size of the committee should not be considered emergency, noncontroversial legislation and tabled the proposal until the next legislative meeting in April.
d. Report from the Committee on Infractions.
(1) Proposal No. 2000-03 -- Committees -- Committee on Infractions. Intent: To modify the requirements for term of office on the Committee on Infractions to permit the coordinator of appeals position to be filled by a former member of the committee who has previously served nine years; further, to specify that the coordinator of appeals position shall not be considered in determining whether the committee's nonpublic members satisfy subdivisional requirements.
[Note: The Management Council approved and the Board adopted the proposal as emergency legislation, effective immediately, as noted above in Item No. 1-F in the Management Council and Board of Directors section of this report.]
(2) Reconciliation between Bylaws and Referred to the Legislative Review/Interpretations Subcommittee of the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet a recommendation to editorially revise Bylaw to specify that four Committee on Infractions members (rather than three) present and voting would constitute a quorum, consistent with Bylaw
(3) Authority regarding financial penalties. Determined that proposed legislation regarding financial penalties for major infractions cases, restitution policies and NCAA championships competition involving an ineligible student-athlete was not emergency, noncontroversial legislation; requested that NCAA staff place the proposals in legislative form; and tabled the recommendations until a legislative meeting of the Management Council in April or October. Requested that the Committee on Infractions provide for Management Council review, before the consideration of this legislation, guidelines the committee will use to impose various levels of fines. (Unanimous voice vote.)
e. Report from the Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee.
(1) Management Council representation on the committee. Determined that proposed legislation to provide representation on the Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee from the Division I Management Council was not emergency, noncontroversial legislation; noted that for the past several years a Management Council representative has served on the committee; and tabled the proposal until the next legislative meeting of the Management Council in April.
(2) Division I Championships/Competition Cabinet representation on the NYSP Committee. Referred to the National Youth Sports Program Committee and the Championships/Competition Cabinet a recommendation from the Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee to appoint a member of the cabinet to serve on the NYSP Committee.
f. Report from the Committee on Athletics Certification.
(1) Extension of terms for members of the Committee on Athletics Certification. Agreed that Andrea Seger, Ball State University, and Bob Chernak, George Washington University, should continue to serve on the committee up to one additional year, until September 1, 2001, to take advantage of their expertise and direction from the first certification cycle and to insure consistency in the transition to the second cycle; and noted the projected budget impact was less than $5,000 for travel and related costs for in-person meetings. (Unanimous voice vote.)
(2) Proposed certification form. Reviewed a recommendation to create a new form for use during the certification process that would include information regarding the profiles of entering student-athletes, which previously had been gathered on the graduation rates form but had been recently eliminated. Tabled the recommendation in order to obtain information from the NCAA research staff and the committee regarding the feasibility of revising the graduation-rates form to once again include this data. (Unanimous Voice Vote.)
g. Report from the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee.
MC ACTION: Received a report regarding the committee's discussions at its Convention meeting and preparation for the joint meeting with the Management Council.
h. Report from the Committee on Financial Aid.
(1) Proposal No. 99-81 -- Financial Aid -- Course-Related Supplies. Tabled until the next legislative meeting in April a recommendation from the committee to defeat a proposal to include required course-related supplies in the value of a student-athlete's full grant-in-aid.
(2) Recommendations regarding proposals related to the Working Group to Study Division I Basketball Issues. Tabled until the next legislative meeting in April the following:
* Recommendation to defeat Proposal No. 99-83 -- Division I Financial Aid Limitations -- Counters.
* Recommendation to support Proposal No. 99-120-A -- Summer Financial Aid -- Division I Basketball.
* Recommendation to support Proposal No. 99-121-A -- Financial Aid -- Division I Men's Basketball -- Overall Counters.
* Recommendation to defeat Proposal No. 99-122-A -- Financial Aid -- Initial Counters -- Division I Men's Basketball.
7. Report of Management Council Subcommittees.
a. Report from the Administrative Review Subcommittee.
(1) Reviewed recommendations to change the subcommittee's policies and procedures and Bylaw to clearly articulate the reconsideration process, cease all review of hardship waiver cases and delete the tie-breaking process which will require that in order for a waiver to be granted a majority of the subcommittee must grant the request.
(2) Suggested that the committee consider adding to Item No. 3 of the Division I Review Procedures an explicit prohibition regarding ex parte communication between institutional representatives and committee members about a pending case.
(3) Expressed significant concern that under the proposed tie-breaking policy, a 2-2 vote would set a precedent, would automatically result in an adverse decision and could lead to inconsistent results in an identical case when all five members vote.
(4) Requested that the subcommittee provide more detail regarding the application of the proposed tie-breaking policy.
(5) Tabled the recommendations until receipt of the subcommittee's reactions to the Management Council's suggestions. (Unanimous voice vote.)
b. Budget Subcommittee Report regarding Association-wide and Division I priorities.
(1) Discussed the proposed Executive Committee priorities and the 2000-01 budget allocations recommended by the Budget Subcommittee of the Executive Committee, reviewed the recommended allocation of the $40 million bonus payment and the process for allocating funds from the CBS rights-fee contract subsequent to 2002, and provided suggestions to the Management Council members of the Division I Budget Subcommittee regarding funding priorities for 2000-01 and future years.
(2) Noted that the tentative Association-wide and Division I budget for 2000-01 allocates funds to the following areas: Division I distribution, Association-wide and president's priorities, Division I championships, and promotions.
(3) Suggested that, when the Executive Committee establishes budget allocations, new women's championships and other opportunities to increase the participation of women in Division I championships should be added to the above list of funding categories as a separate and important priority, consistent with the provisions of Constitution 2.3, without affecting the proposed distribution to Division I institutions. (For 42, against 7, not present 2.) [See Vote No. 3.]
c. Report of the Subcommittee to Review Automatic-Qualification Requirements.
(1) Noted that the Management Council intends to vote on the legislative proposal regarding automatic-qualification requirements and any suggested amendments at the April meeting and to forward the approved proposal to the Board of Directors for adoption in April.
(2) Requested that NCAA legal counsel provide a written legal opinion regarding the proposed legislation, including the application of the "grandparenting" provisions.
(3) Agreed to clarify that a provisional, reclassifying or Division I institution as of September 1, 1999, would be "grandparented" under current rules, even if that institution subsequently changes subdivisions within Division I.
(4) Defeated a motion to amend the proposed principles to require a conference to have seven "core" member institutions, rather than eight, for men's basketball. (For 21.5, against 26.5, abstain 1, not present 2.) [See Vote No. 4.]
(5) Agreed that the automatic-qualification recommendations, legislation, hypothetical examples and comparison chart would be distributed by the end of January to conference offices to provide an opportunity for submission of reaction and suggested amendments in time for inclusion in the April Management Council agenda materials. (For 40, against 5, abstain 4, not present 2.) [See Vote No. 5.]
d. Report of the Selection Review Committee.
MC ACTION: Appointed Amy Hackett, senior woman administrator, University of Utah, to the Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee.
8. Report of the January 7 Division I-AA Football Governance Committee Meeting.
The Management Council received a report of the following Division I-AA Football Governance Committee actions:
(1) Review of the 1999 Heritage Bowl. The committee noted that it would be reviewing the information related to the certification of this event, including the financial audit from the 1999 contest, and that the 2000 and 2001 calendars will permit the contest to be conducted on a date different from the date of the Division I-AA championship game.
(2) Division I-AA conference championships. The committee reviewed the provisions of Bylaw 17-10.5.2-(f) and noted that the application of this legislation was not intended to preclude a Division I-AA institution from participating in both a conference championship and another postseason football opportunity during the same season. The committee agreed to request that the full Management Council issue that interpretation and include appropriate language in the 2000-01 Manual. (Unanimous voice vote.)
MC ACTION: Issued the interpretation as requested. (Unanimous voice vote.)
(3) Application for preseason Division I-AA certified football contest. The committee reviewed an application for certification of a preseason exempted event from Dove Entertainment and heard a presentation from the chief executive officer, J.T. Thompson, regarding the NAACP/
HBCU Kick-off Classic, which tentatively has been scheduled for August 2000. The committee noted that the current legislated requirements for football exempted events in Bylaw 30.10.2, including the financial guarantees and $1.5 million letter of credit, apply to Divisions I-A and I-AA but were drafted for Division I-A events and do not appear appropriate for Division I-AA.
The committee agreed to forward emergency legislation (Proposal No. 2000-02) to the Board of Directors to establish the following Division I-AA specific requirements effective immediately:
* Payment in advance for travel expenses consistent with those provided to the institutions that participate in the Division I-AA football championship game;
* $175,000 financial guarantee to each institution above expenses; and
* $1 million letter of credit.
d. Student-athlete representative on the Football Issues Committee. The committee received a report that the Division I Student-Athlete Advisory Committee had appointed a Division I-A football student-athlete as a liaison to the Division I Football Issues Committee and suggested that a Division I-AA football student-athlete also should be selected as a liaison to the Football Issues Committee. (Unanimous voice vote.)
MC ACTION: Referred this recommendation to the Championships/Competition Cabinet and the Division I Football Issues Committee.
9. Review of the Referrals of the Recommendations from the Executive Committee Subcommittee on Gender and Ethnicity.
FYI: Noted that on November 22, 1999, the Management Council Administrative Committee had referred the action items from the report of the Executive Committee Subcommittee on Gender and Ethnicity to the appropriate groups in Division I.
10. Review of Antitrust Issues. Agreed to appoint a subcommittee of the Management Council, chaired by Chris Hill, University of Utah, to review concerns expressed by outside legal counsel related to potential antitrust challenges to Division legislation and to make recommendations regarding the appropriate course of action, including any necessary referrals.
11. Status Report Regarding NCAA Bat Certification.
FYI: Received a status report regarding the NCAA bat certification program under the protocol approved by the Executive Committee.
12. Report Regarding Proposals Tabled by the Management Council.
The Management Council received a report regarding the following tabled proposals and deferred any action until the April legislative meeting:
* Proposal No. 98-103 -- Permissible Medical Expenses.
* Proposal Nos. 99-106 through 99-111 -- Pre-enrollment amateurism deregulation.
* Proposal No. 99-49 -- Committees -- NCAA Core-Course Review Committee.
* Proposal No. 99-112 -- Weekly-Hour Limitations -- Skill-Instruction -- Division I-A Football.
13. Status of Legislation Approved by the Board in October.
FYI: Noted that no override request had been submitted. No action taken.
14. NCAA Public Relations Plan.
FYI: Discussed the presentation of the proposed public relations plan and expressed support for plans to improve the Association's public image and to communicate the Association's key messages.
15. 2000 NCAA Foundation Leadership Conference.
MC ACTION: In response to a request from the NCAA Leadership Conference steering committee for volunteers from the Management Council, identified several individuals who are interested in participating on panels with the Division I student-athletes attending the 2000 NCAA Foundation Leadership Conference.
16. Discussion Regarding Division I Attendance at Future Conventions.
MC ACTION: Requested the Division I Management Council Administrative Committee to determine the appropriate process for reviewing Division I plans and programming for future Conventions.
17. NCAA Membership Issues.
a. Quarterly status report on NCAA membership. FYI: No action taken.
b. Application for a new tennis conference.
MC ACTION: Referred the membership application from the Midland Tennis Conference to the Management Council Membership Subcommittee. (Unanimous voice vote.)
c. Application for a new soccer conference.
MC ACTION: Referred the membership application from the Atlantic Soccer Conference to the Management Council Membership Subcommittee. (Unanimous voice vote.)
Voting summary
Division I Management Council Roll-Call Votes
Conference | Name | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
I-AA At-large | A. Sexton | Y | Y | Y | Y | A |
I-AA At-large | R. Regan | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
I-AAA At-large | C. Monasch | Y | Y | # | Y | Y |
I-AAA At-large | A. Goff | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
America East | E. Johnson | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Atlantic 10 | L. Bruno | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Atlantic Coast | A. Cooper | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Atlantic Coast | R. Wellman | Y | Y | N | N | Y |
Atlantic Coast | D. Yow | # | # | Y | N | Y |
Big 12 | G. Lage | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Big 12 | C. Plonsky | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Big 12 | E. Smith | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Big East | G. DeFilippo | N | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Big East | P. Thomas | N | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Big East | S. Wilcox | N | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Big Sky | K. Woodward* | Y | Y | Y | Y | A |
Big South | T. Hickman | Y | Y | N | Y | N |
Big Ten | P. Bates | Y | Y | N | N | Y |
Big Ten | C. Doninger | Y | Y | N | N | Y |
Big Ten | E. Perry | Y | Y | N | N | Y |
Big West^ | A. Taylor | N | Y | Y | N | Y |
Colonial Athletic | J. Jarrett | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Conference USA | T. Jurich | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Conference USA | N. Hamant | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Conference USA | M. Slive | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Ivy | J. Orleans | Y | Y | Y | A | Y |
MAC^ | A. Seger | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Metro Atlantic | R. Ensor | Y | Y | Y | Y | A |
Mid-Continent | K. Berg | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Mid-Eastern | C. Harris | Y | Y | # | # | # |
Midwestern Collegiate | J. Parry | Y | Y | Y | Y | N |
Missouri Valley | A. Myers | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Mountain West^ | C. Hill | N | Y | Y | N | Y |
Northeast | M. McNeil | Y | Y | Y | N | N |
Ohio Valley | R. McDuffie | # | # | Y | Y | Y |
Pacific-10 | R. Aronson | N | Y | Y | N | Y |
Pacific-10 | K. LaRose | N | Y | Y | N | Y |
Pacific-10 | T. Leland | N | Y | N | N | Y |
Patroit League | C.S. Femovich | Y | Y | Y | Y | A |
Southwestern Athletic | R. Washington | Y | Y | Y | # | # |
Southeastern | J. Cronan | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Southeastern | D. Evans** | N | Y | Y | N | Y |
Southeastern | J. Foley | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Southern | A. Hauser | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Southland | G. Sankey | Y | N | N | N | Y |
Sun Belt | R. Mello | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
Trans America Athletic | W. Bibb | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Western Athletic^ | K. Benson | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
West Coast | L. Tealer*** | # | # | Y | Y | Y |
Key: Y = Yes, N = No, A = Abstain, # = Not present for the vote.
An empty cell indicates not eligible to vote.
*Doug Fullerton attended as an alternate for Kelly Woodward. ** Todd Turner attended as an alternate for Damon Evans. ***Teresa Kuehn attended as an alternate for Lynda Tealer.
^ These conferences receive 1.5 votes each.