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In-Person Meeting No. 5
November 11, 1999
Acting for the Division I Management Council, the Division I Academics/Eligibility/Compliance CabinetÕs Subcommittee on Legislative Review/Interpretations issued the following interpretation:
Scouting of Opponents/Videotapes
Scouting of Opponents Ñ Use of Commercial Entity to Facilitate Videotape Exchange. It is permissible in all sports for an institution to obtain videotapes of a future opponentÕs athletics contests for scouting purposes from a commercial entity that provides videotape recording/dubbing services, provided:
a. The future opponent has contracted with the commercial entity to make videotape copies of its athletics contests;
b. The future opponent pays all fees and costs associated with such recording/dubbing services;
c. The institution requesting the videotape pays no fees or expenses to obtain the videotape of the future opponentÕs athletics contests, except for providing a blank videotape and paying postage costs;
d. All original videotapes to be copied and provided to other institutions are received by the commercial entity directly from the future opponent; and
e. The commercial entity does not analyze the videotape or provide any other services that could be construed as scouting activities.
[References: NCAA Bylaws (basketball, football and womenÕs volleyball prohibition); and (cost of exchanging films in any sport).]