National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- September 13, 1999

Grants available for institutions to participate in NYSP program

The NCAA has announced that grants totaling $45,000 are available to higher education institutions for participation in the 2000 National Youth Sports Program (NYSP).

The grants provide for direct costs incurred to conduct the program. Athletics equipment and apparel also are provided.

"In general terms, NYSP can be described as a structured sports and educational program," said Daniel Boggan Jr., NCAA senior vice-president. "But in reality, it is much more than that.

"NYSP has been an ongoing partnership between the NCAA and the federal government since 1968. It requires dedicated commitments from universities, community leaders and student-athletes for its continued success."

Through NYSP, youngsters receive free instruction in a minimum of three sports activities, as well as in areas of alcohol and drug prevention, nutrition and personal health, career opportunities and job responsibilities, and higher education.

Providing institutional resources to community youth allows leaders in education an opportunity and a challenge to perform a needed service that they are uniquely qualified to perform. NYSP currently serves more than 68,000 youths ages 10-16 through programs established at 188 community colleges, colleges and universities in 151 cities in 47 states.

The NYSP is a cooperative effort with the federal government, the NCAA and selected institutions of higher education. Grant applications, as well as additional materials that outline NYSP objectives, can be found on NCAA Online ( or by contacting Rochelle Collins at the national office (317/917-6222).

Institutions currently sponsoring NYSP are not required to reapply.