National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- September 13, 1999

Diversity seminar to provide 'train the trainer' component

The NCAA Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee and the Committee on Women's Athletics will sponsor a "Train The Trainer" diversity training seminar October 27-29 in New Orleans.

The seminar is open to chief executive officers, directors of athletics, senior woman administrators, faculty athletics representatives, conference commissioners, and other athletics staff and institutional personnel responsible for athletics administration at NCAA member institutions.

The seminar is being offered free of charge. Participants are asked to attend all sessions of the seminar.

The seminar will provide participants with the skills necessary to deliver the NCAA diversity education workshop designed to enhance the institution's overall effectiveness. General guidelines will be supplied to assist participants with developing facilitation and workshop presentation skills.

Individuals must have attended an introductory NCAA diversity seminar before participating in a "Train The Trainer" seminar.

The three-day seminar will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. The NCAA will provide lunch each day of the seminar, along with all seminar materials. Participants must register to participate; however, each is responsible for transportation and hotel arrangements.

"The training also focuses on a team approach to bringing about diversity," said Donnetta Moorman, NCAA director of professional development. "We're trying to give the membership programs that are easy to access.

"Managing diversity in the workplace involves examining the interaction between people of different cultural backgrounds and how to draw from these valuable differences to develop a productive team. The key emphasis here is on communication and team building, with special attention to learning how to relate to your student-athletes."

Registration information has been distributed to member institutions. The information also is available on NCAA Online at: http:
// For additional information on the seminar, contact the NCAA professional development staff at 317/917-6222.