The NCAA News - News and Features
The NCAA News -- August 30, 1999
The evolution of sports information
Most sports information directors agree that technology -- particularly the Internet -- has had the greatest impact on the profession in the last 20 years.
"It's a bottomless thing," said CoSIDA secretary and Texas A&M-Kingsville sports information director Fred Nuesch. "People want full stats, player bios, pictures of players, historical stats -- it's an extensive undertaking. At what stage do you say you have everything on your Web site? I don't know if you could ever reach that stage because there are so many possibilities."
Web sites have become so popular that CoSIDA has added Web categories to its awards program. Among last year's honorees were Penn State, Army, Air Force and Sonoma State.
"You can't get enough information on your Web site," said Max Corbet, president of CoSIDA and SID at Boise State. "It's another task that SIDs have been given because that material comes out of their office.
And as soon as that Web site goes down, you hear all about it from the public."