National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- August 30, 1999


The Division III Presidents and Management Councils have approved the following interpretations issued by the Division III Committee on Interpretations and Legislation:

1. Pregame Meal on Evening Before Competition. An institution may provide its pregame meal during the evening prior to a contest that occurs on the following morning, provided the institution does not provide an additional pregame meal on the day of the contest. [References: NCAA Bylaw 16.5.1-(d) (meals incidental to participation) and a previous NCAA Interpretations Committee decision (11/17/93, Item No. 4).]

2. Professional Sports Organization Purchasing Advertising Space in an Institution's Arena. It is not permissible for a professional sports organization to purchase advertising space in an institution's arena, inasmuch as such activity is tantamount to financial sponsorship of a collegiate competition. [References: NCAA Bylaw (to collegiate event); official interpretation 03/24/99, Item No. 2; and staff interpretation 08/20/90, item b.]

3. Purchasing of Advertising Space by a Professional Sports Organization in a Member Institution's Athletics Press Guide. It is not permissible for a professional sports organization to purchase advertisement space in an institution's media or press guide, inasmuch as such activity is tantamount to financial sponsorship to collegiate competition. [Reference: NCAA Bylaw (to collegiate event).]

4. Use of Prepaid Envelopes to Receive a Prospect's Game Film/Videotape. An institution may provide a prepaid envelope to a prospect and/or a prospect's coach for the purpose of receiving game film/videotape involving the prospect, provided similar services are available to all prospective students at the institution (e.g., institution provides a prepaid envelope to a prospective music student to send an audiotape/videotape to the music department). [References: NCAA Bylaws 13.2.1 (general regulation; 13.16.1 -- prohibited expenses); official interpretations, 09/03/87, Item No. 4, and 06/29/98, Item No. 2; and staff interpretations 08/05/92, Item a, and 12/09/94, Item a.]