National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- August 30, 1999

Golf group reviews postseason format to quicken pace of play

In a move intended to enhance the student-athlete experience by accelerating the pace of play, the Division III Men's Golf Committee voted to use a format with two flights and play with threesomes starting with the 2000 championship.

The decision was reached at the group's annual meeting July 13-16 in Lake Tahoe, California. The committee intends to survey Division III coaches to solicit feedback regarding the potential impact the new format would have on the championship.

Once the survey results are reviewed, the committee will propose any recommendations to the Division III Championships Committee for consideration.

The committee also formulated other actions regarding the 2000 championships, including a recommendation to allow two practice rounds for all tournaments scheduled after the 2000 championship, and to inquire about securing an extra day of practice for the 2000 championship.

In addition, the committee voted not to change the district allocations for the 2000 championship.

In a related matter, the committee discussed various regional proposals but deferred action pending additional study at a future meeting.