National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- August 30, 1999

Management Council minutes

Following is a report of the July 26-27 meeting of the Division I Management Council at the Westin Hotel in Hilton Head, South Carolina. All actions taken by the Management Council are included. Highlights of the meeting were reported in the August 16 issue of The NCAA News.

1. Opening remarks.

2. Minutes of the April 12-13, 1999, Management Council meeting.

MC ACTION: Approved as distributed. (Unanimous voice vote.)

3. Division I Administrative Committee report on interim actions.

Minutes of the May 6, May 20, June 17 and July 1 Division I Management Council Administrative Committee telephone conferences.

MC ACTION: Approved as distributed. (Unanimous voice vote.)

4. Report of the April 20, 1999, Board of Directors meeting.

FYI: No action taken.

5. Report of the April 21, 1999, Executive Committee meeting.

FYI: No action taken.

6. NCAA president's report.

FYI: Received a report of key issues, including the national office move to Indianapolis and the status of the public affairs plan.

7. Litigation update.

MC ACTION: Received a report from NCAA legal counsel concerning current litigation involving the Association.

8. Federal relations report.

MC ACTION: Received a report on key Congressional and governmental activities of concern to the NCAA; and noted that the Department of Justice is reviewing public institutions' Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) forms to determine if the institutions are in compliance with the Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

9. Cabinet reports.

a. Report of July 6-8 Championships/Competition Cabinet meeting.

MC ACTIONS: Accepted the report of the July 6-8 Championships/Competition Cabinet meeting and took the following actions:

(1) Budget requests to be forwarded to the Board of Directors as part of its consideration of the proposed 1999-00 general operating budget.

(a) Prioritization of cabinet's Division I funding requests. Supported the cabinet's funding priorities for the following Division I championships initiatives:

(i) Continued funding for championships enhancements, which were included for one year only in the 1998-99 budget from year-end Division I monies, that championship host institutions relied on for the 1999-2000 championships -- $550,000.

(ii) Officiating expenses resulting from expansion of the Division I Baseball and Division I Women's Softball Championships -- $52,500.

(iii) Expansion of the Division I Field Hockey Championship from 12 to 16 teams -- $66,000.

(iv) Expansion of the National Collegiate Men's and Women's Fencing Championships from 120 to 144 participants (to accommodate the addition of women's sabre and an additional 24 female competitors) -- $21,500.

(v) Expansion of the Division I Men's and Women's Golf Championships -- from 324 to 423 participants in the men's regional qualifying tournaments (

  • $1,000); from 204 to 252 participants in the women's regional qualifying tournaments (
  • $1,000), and from 99 to 126 participants in the women's championships ($50,000) -- $52,000. (
  • The Association does not reimburse expenses for regional qualifying tournaments; the $1,000 is for golf carts and greens fees.)

    (vi) Increase in officiating fees for the Division I Women's Basketball Championship to the same fees as those paid for the Division I Men's Basketball Championship -- $38,775.

    (b) Prioritization of the cabinet's Association-Wide funding requests.

    Supported the cabinet's funding priorities for the following Association-wide championship initiatives:

    (i) Background checks on game officials for the Division I Men's and Women's Basketball Championships -- $10,000.

    (ii) Establishment of a women's softball officiating improvement program -- $50,000.

    (c) Division I Men's Soccer Championship.

    Noted that apparently there was insufficient funding available in the 1999-00 budget to expand the men's soccer bracket from 32 to 48 teams (at an estimated cost of $180,000) and expressed support for considering expansion of this championship as a high priority for the 2000-01 budget review.

    (2) Men's and Women's Lacrosse.

    (a) Minimum Sports Sponsorship Criteria/Protected Status. Gave initial approval and circulated Proposal No. 99-51 for membership comment, which would create a protected status to continue a National Collegiate Championship or division championships in men's and women's lacrosse.

    (b) Automatic Qualification.

    (i) Men's Lacrosse. Ultimately referred back to the Championships/Competition Cabinet the cabinet's plan for awarding automatic qualification for the Men's Lacrosse Championship to consider the potential impact of automatic qualification on the quality of the championship and the appropriate level of access for conferences. (For 14, against 11, abstain 2, not present 7.) [See Vote No. 45.]

    [Note: The Management Council first defeated a motion to include in the referral a request that the cabinet consider bracket expansion in conjunction with its review of automatic qualification. (For 12, against 15, abstain 1, not present 6.) [See Vote No. 44.]

    (ii) Women's Lacrosse. Ultimately upheld the decision of the cabinet to direct the Women's Lacrosse Committee to award automatic qualification to the Ivy Group and the Colonial Athletic Association for the 2000 championship and to present to the cabinet a plan for expanding the number of automatic qualifiers. (For 22, against 3, abstain 4, not present 5.) [See Vote No. 43.]

    [Note: The Management Council first voted to accept the cabinet's recommendations regarding automatic qualification for the Men's and Women's Lacrosse Championships (Motion to remove the item from the cabinet's report: Defeated -- for 15, against 15, abstain 2, not present 2) [see Vote No. 4]; then voted to reconsider that action (for 15, against 11, abstain 3, not present 5) [see Vote No. 41]; then voted to remove the item from the report (for 16, against 10, abstain 3, not present 5) [see Vote No. 42]; and then separated the consideration of the Men's and Women's Lacrosse Championships (unanimous voice vote).]

    (3) Gender Identifications and Promotional Labeling of NCAA Championships. Requested that the cabinet further review its decision to modify all current championship promotional brands to be gender-specific and that the cabinet evaluate the position of the men's basketball committee regarding this issue. (For 30, against 3, not present 1.) [See Vote No. 3.]

    (4) Waiver of Subdivision Requirements for the Division I Baseball Committee. Granted a one-year waiver of the subdivision requirements for committee representation to permit a Division I-AA or I-AAA conference to represent the Northeast baseball region because there is no Division I-A conference in that region. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (5) Family Lodging at Postseason Events. Gave initial approval and circulated Proposal No. 99-50 for membership comment, which would permit Division I institutions to secure or reserve lodging at postseason events at a reduced or special rate for the parents (or legal guardians) and relatives of student-athletes participating in the event. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (6) Ineligibility for Use of Banned Drugs -- Medical Exceptions. Approved Proposal No. 99-52 to amend Bylaw to permit the Executive Committee to authorize a medical exception for those student-athletes with a documented medical history demonstrating the need for regular use of Peptide hormones and analogues. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    [Note: Other championship-related actions concerning the size of the cabinet and the Mountain West Conference are included in sections 11-c-(7) and 11-d-(2) below.]

    b. Report of June 8-9 Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet meeting.


    (1) Received the report of the June 8-9 Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet meeting and took the following actions:

    (a) Legislative Proposals for Consideration in October. Requested that NCAA staff draft legislation for review by the Management Council in October regarding the following two issues, which the cabinet had not supported but that the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee favored:

    (i) Refreshments for Parents Attending Educational Sessions. To permit an institution to provide reasonable refreshments (e.g., brunch, luncheon buffet) on a single occasion per year to the student-athlete's parent(s) when the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are attending an institution's educational session (e.g., drug education, agent education). (For 18, against 16.) [See Vote No. 6.]

    (ii) Complimentary Admissions to Events Honoring Student-Athletes. To permit an institution to provide three complimentary admissions to a student-athlete for an institution's game or contest in which the student-athlete is being honored but not participating with the restriction that such complimentary admissions are restricted in use to the student-athlete's parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and/or spouse. (For 26, against 8.) [See Vote No. 7.]

    (b) Complimentary Admissions to Awards Banquets. Defeated a motion to request NCAA staff to draft legislation for review by the Management Council in October, which would permit an institution to provide three complimentary admissions for one annual awards recognition banquet to a student-athlete in the sport in which the individual participates with the restriction that such complimentary admissions are restricted in use to the student-athlete's parent(s)/legal guardians(s) and/or spouse. (Defeated -- for 16, against 18.) [See Vote No. 5.]

    [Note: The cabinet had declined to sponsor this legislation; and the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee favored this legislation.]

    (c) Proposal No. 99-18 -- Recruiting -- Telephone Calls. As requested by the cabinet to allow further review of issues by the Recruiting Subcommittee of the cabinet, tabled a proposal to permit an institution to make unlimited telephone calls to prospective student-athletes subsequent to the calendar day on which the prospect has signed the institution's written offer of admission or financial aid, even if the institution subscribes to the National Letter of Intent program. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (d) Information Regarding the Use of Technology in Recruiting. Supported the cabinet's recommendation to publish all pertinent information regarding the use of technology in recruiting in a separate, regular column in The NCAA News and also post and regularly update that information on the NCAA Web site. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (2) Subcommittee on Legislative Review/Interpretations.

    (a) Minutes of the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet Subcommittee on Legislative Review/Interpreta-tions. Approved the minutes as submitted. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (b) Core-Curriculum Grade-Point Average/Yearly Grades. Revised a former NCAA Council interpretation to permit the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse to provide a yearly grade by averaging grades achieved during terms within the academic year after receipt of the high-school transcript (without requiring the high school to provide official documentation verifying the averaging of the grades), provided the high school has awarded the prospect with one full unit of credit for the course. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (c) Participation in Preseason Contest and 12th Regular-Season Contest During the 2002 Playing Season. Used its authority set forth in NCAA Constitution to modify the wording of Proposal 98-90 to clarify that an institution may not participate in both a preseason exempted football contest and a 12th regular-season football contest during the 2002 football playing season. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (3) Amateurism presentation. Heard a presentation from Christine Grant, chair of the Agents and Amateurism Subcommittee of the cabinet, and NCAA staff; and endorsed in principle the deregulation efforts to date related to prospective student-athletes. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    [Note: Other actions related to the Academics/Eligibili-ty/Compliance Cabinet regarding the size of the cabinet and the initial-eligibility consultants report are included in sections 11-c-(6) and 11-e below.]

    c. Report of June 22-23 Strategic Planning Cabinet meeting.

    MC ACTIONS: Received the report of the June 22-23 Strategic Planning Cabinet meeting and took the following actions:

    (1) Comprehensive and Strategic Plan for Sports Wagering. Received a comprehensive plan concerning sports wagering, which previously had been requested by the Council, but noted that the plan contains limited information concerning the overall goals of the Association's gambling initiatives and does not identify measurable steps to achieve those goals. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (2) Public Address Announcement. Approved the following sample public address announcement, which is suitable for use prior to sporting events hosted by a member institution and which was supported by the Committee on Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct for distribution to all NCAA member institutions or conferences (unanimous voice vote):

    "The (name of school or conference) promotes good sportsmanship by student-athletes, coaches, and spectators. We request your cooperation by supporting the participants and officials in a positive manner. Profanity, racial or sexist comments or other intimidating actions directed at officials, student-athletes, coaches or team representatives will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the site of competition."

    (3) Sportsperson of the Year Award. Approved a recommendation from the Committee on Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct that, beginning with the 2000-01 academic year, the selection of the Sportsperson of the Year Award winners will be based upon noteworthy acts of sportsmanship that occurred during the preceding academic year; and noted that nominees for the 1999-00 Sportsperson of the Year Award would include acts from the spring semester of 1999 and the 1999-00 academic year. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    [Note: Other action related to the Strategic Planning Cabinet is set forth in the Management Council's Subcommittee to Review the Division I Governance Structure report in section 11-c-(5) below.]

    d. Report of June 22-23 Business/Finance Cabinet meeting.

    MC ACTION: Received the report of the June 22-23 Business/Finance Cabinet meeting.

    [Note: Actions related to the Business/Finance Cabinet are set forth in the Championships/Competition Cabinet report in section 9-a-(3) above and in the Management Council's Subcommittee to Review the Division I Governance Structure report in section 11-c-(5) below.]

    10. Committee reports.

    a. Committee on Athletics Certification.

    FYI: Received a summary of the most recent certification-status decisions.

    b. Student-Athlete Advisory Committee.


    (1) Representation on Association-Wide Committees.

    Expressed support for including Division I student-athlete representation on seven Association-wide committees: Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports, Committee on Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct, Research Committee, National Youth Sports Program Committee, Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee, Committee on Women's Athletics and Olympic Sports Liaison Committee.

    Requested that NCAA staff draft legislation for review by the Management Council in October to provide Division I student-athlete representation on the Olympic Sports Liaison Committee. [Note: The Management Council gave final approval to and forwarded for Board adoption Proposal No. 99-44 regarding the other six committees (See section 15-a-(8) below).]

    Agreed that student-athletes could be appointed to attend the meetings of these committees on an interim basis until the legislation is finalized. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (2) Voluntary Summer Strength and Conditioning Activities. Received a report that the committee, in response to requests from the Legislative Review/Interpretations Subcommittee of the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet and the Collegiate Commissioners Association Compliance Administrators, developed the following list of strength and conditioning activities involving coaches that would be acceptable as voluntary summer strength and conditioning activities, primarily for safety purposes:

  • Weight lifting supervision -- spotting and proper techniques of lifting (including resistive tubing).

  • Availability to answer questions from student-athletes and offer instruction to student-athletes (when initiated by the student-athletes).

    c. Recommendation from the Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports regarding Proposal No. 98-59 (CC) -- Medical Expenses.

    MC ACTION: Defeated Proposal No. 98-59, which would prohibit institutions from financing creatine as a permissible medical benefit incidental to a student-athlete's participation in intercollegiate athletics; and noted that the committee had not provided a definition or list of nutritional and weight-gain supplements that should be included in the proposal. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    d. Postgraduate Scholarship Committee.

    MC ACTION: Approved a recommendation from the committee that part-time postgraduate enrollment should be included in the policies of the Postgraduate Scholarship Program commencing with the 1999-00 academic year. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    11. Report of Management Council subcommittees.

    a. Administrative Review Subcommittee report of decisions.

    MC ACTION: Received a report from the subcommittee regarding decisions from March 1 through May 31.

    b. Selection Review Committee -- committee appointments.

    MC ACTION: Made the following committee appointments (unanimous voice vote):

    (1) Division I Football Issues Committee. The appointment of Richard Baddour, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

    (2) Honors Committee. The appointment of Valerie Richardson, West Coast Conference.

    (3) Division I Infractions Appeals Committee. The appointment of Rodney Smith, University of Arkansas, Little Rock.

    (4) Division I Committee on Infractions. Selection of a chair, Jack Friedenthal, George Washington University.

    (5) Division I Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. The appointment of Doug Fredrick, University of Missouri, Kansas City.

    (6) Selection Review Committee. The appointment of Lynda Tealer, Santa Clara University.

    c. Subcommittee to Review the Division I Governance Structure.

    MC ACTIONS: Reviewed a report from the subcommittee and took the following actions:

    (1) Comment/Override Deadlines. Gave initial approval and circulated a proposal for membership comment, which would specify that the deadline for both the comment period and the override period be established as the date that is 60 days subsequent to the adjournment of the Board of Directors meeting. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (2) Definition of Emergency, Noncontroversial Legislation. Adopted the following policy regarding the process for Management Council review of emergency, noncontroversial legislation: (Unanimous voice vote.)

    The only issues that can be considered under the "emergency, noncontroversial" provision are those that are deemed to be of immediate concern and that cannot be deferred until the next legislative meeting. Such an item may be submitted to the Administrative Committee of the Management Council, which may then forward the item to the Management Council for consideration at its next nonlegislative meeting. If the item receives a three-fourths majority of those members present and voting, it shall be considered approved and shall be sent to the Board of Directors for consideration. If an item does not receive a three-fourths majority vote of the Management Council, it will be automatically placed on the agenda of the next legislative meeting of the Management Council.

    (3) Composition and Size of the Management Council.

    (a) Gave final approval and forwarded to the Board for adoption Proposal No. 99-41, which will expand the Management Council to 49 members, with only two categories of Division I-A conferences. (For 30, against 3, not present 1.) [See Vote No. 1.]

    (b) Noted that future changes in conference alignment would be handled according to the six previously adopted principles for Management Council composition and that the actual changes would continue to require legislation.

    (c) Noted that Proposal No. 99-16 (a 51-member Management Council) and Proposal No. 99-42 (a 38-member Management Council) were moot.

    (4) Composition and Size of the Board of Directors. Gave final approval and forwarded to the Board for adoption Proposal No. 99-15, which would expand the composition of the Board of Directors to 18 to include an additional member from the Mountain West Conference, one representative from each of the Big West and Mid-American Conferences and one additional Division I-AA/I-AAA representative. (For 32, against 1, not present 1.) [See Vote No. 2.]

    (5) Strategic Planning and Business/Finance Cabinets. Approved Proposal No. 99-54, which would eliminate the existing NCAA Division I Strategic Planning and Business/Finance Cabinets and reassign their duties and responsibilities to the Management Council, Champion-ships/Competition Cabinet, Division I Budget Subcommittee and Executive Committee, as specified (unanimous voice vote), and requested that the Board use its emergency legislative authority to adopt Proposal No. 99-54, effective immediately. (For 27, against 7.) [See Vote No. 8.]

    A summary of the changes is listed below:

    (a) Coordination of the strategic-planning activities for Division I (transferred to the Management Council).

    (b) Budgetary issues.

    (i) Transferred to the joint Management Council/Board of Directors Division I Budget Subcommittee:

  • Review and make recommendations concerning the budgeting of Association revenues available to Division I and expenses incurred by the division.

  • Review and make recommendations to the Management Council concerning any proposal from a Division I cabinet or committee with financial implications for the division.

    (ii) Transferred to the Executive Committee:

  • Review and coordination of the catastrophic insurance and professional career insurance (disabling injury/illness) programs.

    (c) Disposition of committees reporting to the Strategic Planning and Business/Finance Cabinets:

    (i) Moved to the Management Council:

  • Minority Opportunities and Interests.

  • Women's Athletics.

  • Research.

    (ii) Moved to the Championships/Competition Cabinet:

  • Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct.

  • Olympic Sports Liaison.

  • National Youth Sports Program.]

    (6) Size of the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet. Ultimately agreed that, effective immediately, the Academics/Eligibility/ Compliance Cabinet composition should remain at 34 members and that one of the two seats currently allocated to the Western Athletic Conference should be reallocated to the Mountain West Conference. (For 26, against 7, abstain 1.) [See Vote No. 11.]

    [Note: The Management Council first defeated a motion to expand the cabinet membership to 49. (For 17, against 17.) [See Vote No. 9.]

    (7) Size of the Championships/Competition Cabinet. Approved Proposal No. 99-55, which would expand the membership of the Championships/Competition Cabinet to 49 and establish conference representation identical to the Division I Management Council and would allocate the additional 15 seats without consideration of the position held (for 32, against 2) [see Vote No. 10] and requested that the Board use its emergency legislative authority to adopt Proposal No. 99-55, effective immediately. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (8) Marketing and Public Relations. Agreed to create a standing Marketing and Public Relations Policy Subcommittee of the Management Council, with the following duties and including approximately 12 Division I members appointed by the Management Council Administrative Committee (with a two/one/one ratio from the three subdivisions), one voting member from Division II and one voting member from Division III (unanimous voice vote):

    (a) Marketing.

  • Develop policies for marketing subject to review by the Management Council.

  • Operate at the policy level in regard to Division I marketing, licensing and promotions matters and not engage in negotiations regarding specific proposals or contracts.

  • Act as the first membership entity to receive and review proposals concerning marketing, licensing and promotional initiatives (rather than the current practice of having sports committees for the sport involved being presented such opportunities). [Per action of the Division I Management Council, April 14-15, 1998.]

  • Solicit input and recommendations from other Division I and Association-wide committees and cabinets (e.g. Championships/Competition Cabinet, sports committees, Committee on Women's Athletics) regarding marketing, licensing and promotions issues and proposals.

  • Direct the Association's marketing, licensing and promotions efforts (those involving NCAA championships, as well as other NCAA activities), including reviewing and making recommendations to the Management Council on policy changes and new initiatives.

  • Solicit the expertise of the membership in order to establish consistent, workable and fair policies.

  • Obtain answers consistent with the marketplace regarding marketing, licensing and promotional issues and policies in a timely manner.

  • Consider and evaluate television matters affecting the division.

    (b) Public Relations.

  • Provide oversight for the policies and general direction of the public relations efforts of the division.

  • Promote the communication of the division's major messages to internal constituencies (e.g., commissioners, athletics directors, senior woman administrators, sports information directors, coaches, other athletic administrators, faculty athletics representatives, NCAA staff).

  • Study and make recommendations regarding the Division's public relations programs.

  • Make recommendations concerning appropriate publications and other means of communication concerning the division.

    (9) Oversight of Division I Governance. Authorized the Administrative Committee to appoint a Management Council Subcommittee on Oversight of Division I Governance.

    (10) Division I-AA and I-AAA At-Large Seats for the Management Council and Championships/Competition Cabinet. Requested that NCAA staff develop a rotation for the Division I-AA and I-AAA at-large seats for the Management Council and Championships/Competition Cabinet and specified that no conference should have an at-large seat on both entities at the same time.

    d. Subcommittee to Review Automatic-Qualification Requirements.


    (1) Principles and Policies Concerning Automatic Qualification.

    (a) Reviewed a preliminary report of the Management Council Subcommittee to Review Automatic Qualification regarding principles that should be applied in determining eligibility for automatic qualification for Division I championships.

    (b) Discussed the concepts of "new conference," "conference realignment," "core-group" and "continuity of membership."

    (c) Agreed that Management Council members would submit comments and recommendations to the Division I governance staff by August 12 in order to complete a draft of principles and recommended policies for distribution to conferences for comment and possible consideration of legislation by the Management Council at its October meeting.

    (2) Mountain West Conference.

    (a) Consistent with action taken by the Championships/Competition Cabinet, denied for the 1999-00 academic year an appeal of the two-year waiting period submitted by the Mountain West Conference for automatic qualification in sports other than men's basketball. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (b) Noted that based upon Management Council action at its April meeting, the Mountain West Conference is considered a "new" conference member and therefore is ineligible to be considered for automatic qualification in men's basketball for a five-year period and in all other sports for a two-year period unless relief is provided through a waiver or action by the Management Council following the final report of the subcommittee at a future meeting.

    (3) Conference Grants.

    (a) Noted that a conference member must be eligible for automatic qualification in men's basketball in order to receive conference grant funds.

    (b) Agreed to recommend that the Board modify the policies for awarding conference grants to include all conferences identified in Constitution 4.5.1 (which would apply to the Western Athletic Conference immediately and to the Mountain West Conference following final adoption of Proposal No. 99-41 by the Board in August 1999). (Unanimous voice vote.)

    e. Report from initial-eligibility consultants.

    MC ACTION: Received a status report regarding the discussions of the initial-eligibility consultants, which will be provided to the Board of Directors for its review in August.

    12. Report of the July 25 Division I-AA Football Governance Committee meeting.

    The Management Council accepted the following Division I-AA Football Governance Committee actions (unanimous voice vote.):

    a. Legislative proposals initially approved by the Management Council at its April 12-13, 1999, meeting.

    (1) Proposal No. 99-39 -- Preseason Football Practice Maximum Number Of Participants -- Division I-AA. Amended (for 8, abstained 1) the effective date to August 1, 2000, and gave final approval to a proposal that would specify that a maximum of 105 student-athletes may participate in Division I-AA preseason football practice (for 7, against 3).

    (2) Proposal No. 99-43 -- NCAA Football Issues Committee. Agreed to request that the full Management Council give final approval to a proposal that would permit all Division I-AA conferences to select the individuals who serve as their representatives to the NCAA Football Issues Committee. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    MC ACTION (During the full meeting of the Management Council): Gave final approval to Proposal No. 99-43 as requested and forwarded the proposal to the Board of Directors for adoption. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    b. Legislative proposal reviewed by the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet.

    Proposal No. 98-102 -- State High-School Championships -- Division I-A and I-AA Football. Tabled a proposal that would, in the sport of Divisions I-A and I-AA football, to permit coaching staff members to attend the state high-school football championship within the state in which the institution is located without such attendance counting as a contact or an evaluation. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    c. Student-Athlete Advisory Committee representation on the Division I-AA Football Governance Committee. Reaffirmed the committee's position to not involve a representative from the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee in all committee meetings because all actions of the Division I-AA Football Governance Committee are reported to the full Management Council, where two Student-Athlete Advisory Committee representatives are present, and no other sport has a specific representative from the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee to the Management Council. The committee agreed that the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee could request that a representative attend a meeting to discuss a particular issue.

    d. Commercial licenses. Received a report regarding the number of Division I-AA institutions that have been invited to participate in the licensing for football video games and noted that progress continues to be made in involving Division I-AA institutions.

    e. All-star contest certification. Received a report that a company may be interested in sponsoring an all-star game for student-athletes who have exhausted their eligibility in Division I-AA and Divisions II and III; noted that there was not much information available regarding the contest; and agreed that any information should be forwarded to the Division I-AA Football Governance Committee and that the committee would be the appropriate entity to consider the certification of an all-star contest involving Division I-AA student-athletes. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    f. Promotional Labeling for The Division I-AA Football Championship. Noted the recent creation of identifying names for several Division I championships and agreed to ask the Division I-AA Football Committee (Championships) if it has considered creating an identifying name for the championship.

    13. Review revised Division I strategic plan.

    MC ACTION: Approved the Division I strategic plan submitted by the Strategic Planning Cabinet. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    14. Budget Issues.

    MC ACTION: Received copies of the preliminary 1999-00 Association budget and noted that members from the NCAA finance staff would present detailed information and a schedule for the 2000-01 Division I budget process, including the role of the Division I Budget Subcommittee.

    15. Review of legislative proposals (including membership comment).

    a. Legislative proposals (including membership comment) initially approved by the Management Council during its April 12-13 meeting.

    (1) Proposal No. 98-37 (MC1) -- Amateurism -- Developmental Training Expenses. Intent: To allow currently enrolled student-athletes (as well as prospective student-athletes) to receive funding to cover actual and necessary developmental training expenses that are approved by the U.S. Olympic Committee or appropriate national governing body.

    MC ACTION: Referred the proposal to the Agents and Amateurism Subcommittee of the Academics/Eligibili-ty/Compliance Cabinet. (For 25, against 9.) [See Vote No. 12.]

    (2) Proposal No. 98-107 (MC2) -- Recruiting Calendar Division I Women's Basketball. Intent: To revise the current women's basketball recruiting calendar as follows: (a) to eliminate the AAU Women's National Championship competition as a permissible evaluation period unless the event occurs during the July 8 through July 31 evaluation period; and (b) permit institutional coaching staff members to place one telephone call to a prospect [or the prospect's parents or legal guardian(s)] between April 24 and May 15 of the prospect's junior year in high school, one additional call between June 21 and July 1, and three calls during the month of July (with no more than one telephone call per week).

    MC ACTION: Gave final approval and forwarded the proposal to the Board for adoption. (For 18, against 16.) [See Vote No. 13.]

    Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Position. Expressed continued opposition to phone calls during the spring and the resulting intrusion into the lives of student-athletes.

    (3) Proposal No. 99-3 (MC2) -- Coaching Limitations Volunteer Coach. Intent: To permit an institution's volunteer coach to receive compensation for employment in an institution's sports camp or clinic, provided the compensation is commensurate with the going rate for camp or clinic counselors of like teaching ability and camp or clinic experience; further, to permit an institution to provide a volunteer coach with parking expenses associated with practice.

    MC ACTION: Gave final approval and forwarded the proposal to the Board for adoption. (For 27, against 7.) [See Vote No. 14.]

    (4) Proposal No. 99-39 (MC2) -- Preseason Football Practice -- Maximum Number Of Participants -- Division I-AA. Intent: To specify that a maximum of 105 student-athletes may participate in Division I-AA preseason football practice.

    MC ACTION: Gave final approval and forwarded the proposal to the Board for adoption. (For 7, against 3; Division I-AA only.) [See Item No. 12-(a)-(1) above.]

    (5) Proposal No. 99-41 (MC2) -- Division I Governance Structure Management Council. Intent: To expand the composition of the Management Council from 34 to 49 to include representatives from each of the current Division I conferences.

    MC ACTION: Gave final approval and forwarded the proposal to the Board for adoption. (For 30, against 3.) [See Vote No. 1.] [See Item No. 11-c-(3)-(a) above.]

    (6) Proposal No. 99-42 (MC1) -- Division I Governance Structure -- Management Council. Intent: To expand the composition of the Management Council from 34 to 38 to include representatives from each of the current Division I conferences and to weight the conference votes as specified.

    MC ACTION: Proposal moot due to action regarding Proposal No. 99-41. [See Item No. 11-c-(3)-(c) above.]

    (7) Proposal No. 99-43 (MC2) -- NCAA Football Issues Committee. Intent: To permit all Division I-AA conferences to select the individuals who serve as their representatives to the NCAA Football Issues Committee.

    MC ACTION: Gave final approval and forwarded the proposal to the Board for adoption. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (8) Proposal No. 99-44 (MC2) -- Committees -- Student-Athlete Representation. Intent: To add one Division I student-athlete in an advisory capacity to the Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports, Committee on Sportsmanship and Ethical Conduct, Research Committee, National Youth Sports Program Committee, Minority Opportunities and Interest Committee and Committee on Women's Athletics.

    MC ACTION: Gave final approval and forwarded the proposal to the Board for adoption. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    b. Legislative proposals (including membership comment) initially approved by cabinets at their February 1999 meetings.

    (1) Proposal No. 98-14 -- Membership Requirements -- Financial Aid Requirements. Intent: To include all countable financial aid, including summer financial aid, provided to student-athletes in satisfying the minimum aggregate expenditure requirements set forth in Bylaw

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (2) Proposal No. 98-60 (MC1) -- Housing And Meals -- Vacation-Period Expenses. Intent: To specify that an institution may provide room and board expenses for specific period of time to student-athletes who return to the institution's campus during a vacation period following institutional competition.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (For 30, against 4.) [See Vote No. 15.]

    (3) Proposal No. 98-68 (MC1) -- Recruiting -- Competition Against Prospects. Intent: To prohibit Division I women's volleyball teams from engaging in competition against outside teams that include prospects, except for exempted contests against a foreign team or a U.S. national team.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (For 33, abstain 1.) [See Vote No. 16.]

    (4) Proposal No. 98-72 -- Restricted Coach -- Division I Basketball. Intent: To permit restricted coaches in the sport of basketball to recruit off campus without increasing the number of coaches who can recruit off campus at any one time.

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (For 8, against 26.) [See Vote No. 24.]

    (5) Proposal No. 98-75 -- Financial Aid -- Summer School. Intent: In Division I, to permit an institution to award athletics aid to a student to attend an institution's summer term prior to the student's initial, full-time collegiate enrollment; further, to limit the recipient to not more than four additional summer terms of athletics aid.

    MC ACTION: Tabled the proposal until receipt of the report from the Working Group to Study Division I Basketball Issues. (For 28, against 6.) [See Vote No. 25.]

    (6) Proposal No. 98-101 -- Permissible Expenses -- Parking For Parents. Intent: To permit an institution to provide parking at home competitions to the parents of a student-athlete who is eligible to participate in a home contest.

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (For 2, against 32.) [See Vote No. 27.] [Note: The Management Council first amended the proposal to provide only one parking permit per student-athlete for each home competition and to allow relatives and friends to use the passes. (For 27, against 7.) See Vote No. 26.]

    (7) Proposal No. 98-102 -- State High-School Championships -- Division I-A And I-AA Football. Intent: In the sport of Divisions I-A and I-AA football, to permit coaching staff members to attend the state high-school football championship within the state in which the institution is located without such attendance counting as a contact or an evaluation.

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal in Division I-A (For 8, against 10; Division I-A only) [see Vote No. 28]; and tabled the proposal in Division I-AA (see Item No. 12-b above).

    (8) Proposal No. 98-104 (MC1) -- Playing And Practice Seasons -- Contest Limitations. Intent: To permit a Division I institution to exempt preseason exhibition contests against a non-NCAA Division I four-year collegiate institution as an alternative to exempting contests against foreign teams in the United States and USA Basketball club teams, as specified.

    MC ACTION: Amended the proposal with an August 1, 2000, effective date (For 33, against 1) [see Vote No. 33]; and gave initial approval and circulated the proposal as amended for membership comment. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (9) Proposal No. 99-1 -- Official Visit -- Complimentary Admissions. Intent: To permit a prospect and a prospect's parents [or legal guardian(s)] or spouse to receive complimentary admission during an official visit to attend an institution's off-campus regular-season home contest, provided the site of the contest is located within a 30-mile radius of the institution's campus.

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (For 13, against 18, not present 3.) [See Vote No. 29.]

    (10) Proposal No. 99-2 (MC1) -- Outside Competition -- Division I Basketball. Intent: To specify that a basketball student-athlete must complete competition in an NCAA-sanctioned summer basketball league not later than August 31 or the institution's first day of classes, whichever is earlier.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (11) Proposal No. 99-5 (MC1) -- Incidental-Expense Waivers. Intent: To specify that an institution may provide a student-athlete a specific expense that has been previously approved by the NCAA Division I Management Council, or a committee designated by the Management Council, as incidental to the student-athlete's participation in athletics (without submitting a formal waiver request to the national office).

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (12) Proposal No. 99-6 -- Playing And Practice Seasons -- Contest Limitations -- Division I Basketball. Intent: To permit a Division I institution to participate in a foreign basketball tour conducted in accordance with 30.7 and in one certified "once-in-four-year" exempted basketball contest during any academic year, provided the institution does not participate in either event again within the next four years.

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (For 4, against 30.) [See Vote No. 36.]

    (13) Proposal No. 99-7 -- Student-Athlete Employment -- Camps/Clinics. Intent: To permit a student-athlete who only lectures or demonstrates at a camp or clinic (conducted outside the institution's academic year) to receive limited compensation for his or her appearance.

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (For 2, against 31, not present 1.) [See Vote No. 30.]

    (14) Proposal No. 99-8 -- Eligibility -- Seasons Of Competition. Intent: In Division I, to permit student-athletes in all sports to engage in the exempted competition against a foreign team in United States and, to permit student-athletes in the sport of basketball only, to engage in the exempted exhibition against a "club" member of USA Basketball without using a season of competition.

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (For 3, against 31.) [See Vote No. 31.]

    (15) Proposal No. 99-10 -- Playing And Practice Seasons -- Maximum Contest Limitations -- Tennis. Intent: To specify that participation in the Blue-Gray National Collegiate Tennis Tournament shall be counted as a single date of competition within the institutional and individual maximum contest limitations.

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (16) Proposal No. 99-11 (MC1) -- Playing And Practice Seasons -- Division I Basketball -- Preseason Women's National Invitation Tournament. Intent: In the sport of women's basketball, to specify that the starting date for the Preseason Women's National Invitation Basketball Tournament (WNIT) shall be no sooner than seven days prior to the starting date for the regular season.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (17) Proposal No. 99-18 -- Recruiting -- Telephone Calls. Intent: To permit an institution to make unlimited telephone calls to prospective student-athletes subsequent to the calendar day on which the prospect has signed the institution's written offer of admission or financial aid, even if the institution subscribes to the National Letter of Intent program.

    MC ACTION: Tabled the proposal, as requested by the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet to allow further review of the issues by the Recruiting Subcommittee of the cabinet. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (18) Proposal No. 99-19 -- Eligibility -- 21st Birthday -- Foreign Armed Services. Intent: To permit the NCAA Division I Academics /Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet, or a subcommittee designated by it, to grant exceptions to the provisions of Bylaw for student-athletes who have participated in organized competition during time spent in the foreign armed services subsequent to the student-athlete's 21st birthday and prior to initial collegiate enrollment, provided the service activity is similar to service in the United States armed services (i.e., the individual actually has military duty and is not enlisted for the purpose of participating on the country's national team).

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (For 2, against 32.) [See Vote No. 32.]

    (19) Proposal No. 99-23 (MC1) -- Amateurism -- Awards. Intent: To permit a prospect's educational institution to receive a financial award in conjunction with the prospect being recognized as part of a program in which overall athletics participation, interests or ability is a criterion in the selection process.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (For 33, against 1.) [See Vote No. 17.]

    (20) Proposal No. 99-24 (MC1) -- Advertisements And Promotions -- Championship Posters. Intent: To permit an institution that hosts an NCAA or conference championship to produce a poster promoting the championship and send it to a high-school coach and/or his or her educational institution.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (For 29, against 5.) [See Vote No. 18.]

    (21) Proposal No. 99-25 -- Sports Camps And Clinics -- Football And Basketball. Intent: To require that an institutional instructional camp or clinic be held on the institution's campus, at the institution's regular home facility or, in the event that such a facility is not available, the camp or clinic may be held at one of the nearest available facilities.

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (For 12, against 21, abstain 1.) [See Vote No. 20.] [Note: The Management Council first amended the proposal to permit institutional camps or clinics to be conducted anywhere within an institution's state or within a 100-mile radius if outside the state. (For 20, against 14.) [See Vote No. 19.]

    (22) Proposal No. 99-26 (MC1) -- De Minimis Violations. Intent: To specify instances in which a de minimis violation will not render a student-athlete ineligible while retaining the fact that such a violation shall be considered an institutional violation.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (23) Proposal No. 99-27 -- Eligibility -- Seasons Of Competition -- Basketball. Intent: In the sport of Division I basketball, to specify that an individual who does not enroll in a collegiate institution within one year following completion of secondary studies shall lose a season of competition for each year in which the individual has participated in organized basketball competition (except for military competition) subsequent to the one-year time period; further, an individual who engages in organized competition (except for military competition) subsequent to the one-year time period must fulfill one academic year in residence upon enrollment at an NCAA Division I institution.

    MC ACTION: Referred the proposal to the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet for inclusion in the discussion regarding preenrollment amateurism issues. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (24) Proposal No. 99-28 -- Continuing Eligibility -- Minimum Grade-Point Average Requirements. Intent: To specify that a student-athlete who is entering his or her second year of collegiate enrollment shall present a cumulative minimum grade-point average of at least a 1.800; further, to require a student-athlete who is entering his or her third or subsequent year of collegiate enrollment to present a cumulative minimum grade-point average of at least a 2.000.

    MC ACTION: Referred the proposal to the Academics/ Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet for consideration in conjunction with the recommendations from the Working Group to Study Division I Basketball Issues and the concerns expressed by the Management Council regarding the appropriateness of attempting to identify a meaningful minimum grade-point average given the varying academic requirements at NCAA member institutions. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (25) Proposal No. 99-29 -- Continuing Eligibility -- Certification Of Minimum Grade-Point Average Requirements. Intent: To require an institution to certify a student-athlete's grade-point average at the beginning of each regular academic term.

    MC ACTION: Defeated the proposal. (For 6, against 28.) [See Vote No. 21.]

    (26) Proposal No. 99-30 (MC1) -- Financial Aid -- Board Allowance. Intent: To permit an institution, at its discretion, to provide a student-athlete receiving financial aid that covers the cost of meals with a board allowance that consists of three meals per day, even if the institution's maximum permissible board allowance for all students represents a lesser cost figure.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (For 22, against 12.) [See Vote No. 22.]

    (27) Proposal No. 99-31 -- Incidental Benefits -- Postgame Meal. Intent: To permit an institution, at its discretion, to provide cash allowance (not to exceed $6) to student-athletes following home and away-from-home contests in lieu of a postgame meal or snack.

    MC ACTION: Referred the proposal to the Academics/Eligibility/ Compliance Cabinet to develop the data to support an appropriate dollar amount for the meal allowance. (For 30, against 4.) [See Vote No. 23.]

    (28) Proposal No. 99-32 (MC1) -- Permissible Benefits -- Reasonable Refreshments. Intent: To permit an institution to provide its student-athletes with reasonable refreshments for student-athlete educational and business meetings and, on an occasional basis, for celebratory events.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (29) Proposal No. 99-33 (MC1) -- Women's Championships -- Sponsorship Criteria -- Minimum Period. Intent: To specify that a new championship may be established in a women's sport if the minimum number of sponsoring institutions exist for one academic year (rather than for two consecutive academic years.)

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (For 30, against 4.) [See Vote No. 34.]

    (30) Proposal No. 99-34 (MC1) -- Committee On Competitive Safeguards And Medical Aspects Of Sports -- Composition. Intent: To increase the size of the Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports from 15 to 16 members; further, to specify that one member of the committee must have expertise in the area of drug education.

    [Note: The proposed change involves a common provision and thus must be approved by each of Divisions I, II and III membership acting independently.]

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (For 33, against 1.) [See Vote No. 35.]

    (31) Proposal No. 99-35 (MC1) -- Division I Golf Committees -- Men's And Women's. Intent: To establish separate Division I men's and women's golf committees, as specified.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (32) Proposal No. 99-36 (MC1) -- Committees -- Women's Gymnastics Committee. Intent: To specify that the six member Women's Gymnastics Committee include five members from Division I and one member from Division II or III.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (33) Proposal No. 99-37 (MC1) -- Permissible Benefits -- NCAA Research Studies. Intent: To permit student-athletes to receive compensation for participation in specified NCAA research studies.

    MC ACTION: Gave initial approval and circulated the proposal for membership comment. (For 32, against 2.) [See Vote No. 37.]

    16. Status of legislation approved by the Board in April.

    FYI: No action taken.

    17. Status report from the Working Group to Study Division I Basketball Issues.

    MC ACTION: Reviewed a summary of recommendations from the Working Group to Study Division I Basketball Issues and requested the Management Council Administrative Committee to appoint a small subcommittee to coordinate the consideration of the Working Group's recommendations by various groups within the governance structure following receipt of the final report by the Board in August.

    18. Committee meeting frequency.

    MC ACTION: Approved and forwarded to the Board Proposal No. 99-56, which would amend Bylaw to limit the payment of expenses to two meetings per year for each committee unless authorization from the Management Council or Executive Committee is received.

    19. Application of Bylaw 19.8 -- restitution of Texas Tech University.


    a. Accepted the action of Texas Tech University to forfeit all football contests in which an ineligible student-athlete participated while under the protection of the court order as fully satisfying the restitution provisions of Bylaw 19.8. (For 33, abstain 1.) [See Vote No. 38.]

    b. Expressed discomfort regarding the consideration of the restitution provisions of Bylaw 19.8 in cases where the institution clearly has not been involved in seeking or obtaining an injunction, but is required to permit an ineligible student-athlete to compete for a period of time due to a court order; and requested the staff to examine possible alternative measures for the NCAA to address such circumstances.

    20. NCAA membership issues.

    Petitions for reclassification and multidivisional classification.

    MC ACTION: Approved the following petitions for reclassification and multidivisional classification, effective September 1, 1999 (unanimous voice vote):

  • Alabama A&M University (from Division II to Division I-AA)

  • American International College (from Division II to Division I for men's ice hockey)

  • Drury College (from Division II to Division I for men's and women's soccer)

  • Elon College (from Division II to Division I-AA)

  • High Point University (from Division II to Division I-AAA)

  • Middle Tennessee State University (from Division I-AA to Division I-A)

  • University of Nebraska, Omaha (from Division II to Division I for men's ice hockey)

  • Oakland University (from Division II to Division I-AAA)

  • Sacred Heart University (from Division II to Division I-AA)

  • State University of New York at Albany (from Division II to Division I-AA)

  • State University of New York at Buffalo (from Division I-AA to Division I-A)

  • State University of New York at Stony Brook (from Division II to Division I-AA)

    b. Waiver requests.

    (1) University of Georgia; Bylaw -- Minimum Contests and Participants.

    MC ACTION: Approved the university's request under Bylaw to waive the required minimum number of contests. (For 27, Against 7.) [See Vote No. 39.]

    (2) Prairie View A&M University; Bylaw -- Minimum Financial Aid Awards.

    MC ACTION: Approved the university's request under Bylaw to waive the required minimum number of financial aid awards in the sport of women's track. (For 25, against 8, not present 1.) [See Vote No. 40.]

    c. Annual waiver requests.

    (1) Stetson University.

    MC ACTION: Approved the university's request under Bylaw to designate its men's rowing program to meet sports-sponsorship criteria. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (2) Jacksonville University.

    MC ACTION: Approved the university's request under Bylaw to waive the football scheduling requirements. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (3) Drake University.

    MC ACTION: Approved the university's request under Bylaw to waive the football scheduling requirements. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (4) Davidson College.

    MC ACTION: Approved the university's request under Bylaw to waive the football scheduling requirements. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    d. Provisional member annual reports and applications.

    (1) Reports.

    (a) Belmont University.

    MC ACTION: Approved the university's third annual provisional membership report and the university's reclassification into active membership, effective September 1, 1999. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (b) Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi.

    MC ACTION: Approved the university's first annual provisional membership report. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (2) Applications.

    (c) Birmingham Southern College.

    MC ACTION: Approved the university's provisional membership application. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    (d) Lipscomb University.

    MC ACTION: Approved the university's provisional membership application. (Unanimous voice vote.)

    e. Memo from NCAA staff concerning reclassification/provisional membership process.

    MC ACTION: Requested the Management Council Administrative Committee to consider the appropriate process for authorizing an existing or new Division I committee to review Division I membership issues, including the process used to reclassify members and approve provisional members, the eligibility of new members for revenue distribution and the consideration of requiring athletic certification for provisional members. (Unanimous voice vote.)