National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- August 30, 1999

Basketball working group's report available on NCAA Online

The report of the Division I Working Group to Study Basketball Issues is now available on NCAA Online.

The working group finalized the document in July and forwarded it to the Division I Board of Directors for consideration at its August meeting.

The recommendations covered a wide range of issues relating to college basketball, including academic standards, financial aid, recruiting and gambling. The working group was chaired by Syracuse University Chancellor Kenneth A. Shaw.

A summary of the report appeared in the August 16 issue of The NCAA News.

Those wanting to view the full report may access it on the Internet by going to NCAA Online at From there, users should click on "Press Releases" and then "Div. I Working Group to Study Basketball Issues."

The final click is "08/20/1999 Report of the Division I Working Group to Study Basketball Issues."

The specific address for the document is:

The Board welcomes any membership reaction to the report. Members may direct their comments to Steve Mallonee, Division I membership services/governance liaison, at the national office.