National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- May 24, 1999

Sports photography workshop to be conducted June 20-25

The 11th annual Sports Photography Workshop will take place at the U. S. Olympic Committee training center and headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 20-25.

The workshop is designed to enable photographers seeking to improve their sports coverage to study with top sports photographers and editors during the week.

Instructors include photographers and editors from Sports Illustrated, the AllSport agency and the USOC. The workshop is under the management of Rich Clarkson and Associates, which also manages NCAA Photos.

Attendees photograph both prospective Olympic athletes in training as well as professional and amateur sports events in the Denver/Colorado Springs area. Photographers have their work critiqued and their portfolios reviewed. They will be able to attend lectures and demonstrations from workshop faculty.

In recent years, one or more of the photographs taken during the week were subsequently published in Sports Illustrated, and a number of the attendees have been able to begin ongoing relationships with the magazine.

The U. S. Olympic Committee makes available classrooms and support of the workshop as part of an ongoing commitment to all aspects of athletics education. The Eastman Kodak company provides film and on-site processing and Nikon, Inc., supplies specialized cameras and lenses for loan to the attendees during the workshop.

Organized principally for early-career professionals, many school sports photographers have attended over the years.

Clarkson, who organizes the workshop (which is limited to 50 participants), will be one of the lecturers. Others scheduled to participate include Mike Powell, Al Bello, Mark Warford, Dave Black, John McDonough, Maureen Grise, Bill Eppridge and John McDonough. Other staff members will be added once Sports Illustrated's story requirements for the week are finalized.

For more information, contact Jennifer Logan at Rich Clarkson and Associates, 1099 18th Street, Suite 1840, Denver, Colorado 80202, or call 800/745-3211. Logan also may be reached via e-mail at