National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- May 24, 1999

Instructor development session scheduled for facility operators

The TEAM Coalition (Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management) has announced that it will offer an instructor development workshop June 9-10 at Ohio State University.

The two-day train-the-trainer workshop is designed to help college athletics facility operators assess and develop facility alcohol policies and procedures. The workshop also will teach facility operators how to train event-management staff to recognize signs of impairment, understand university facility alcohol policies and recognize the importance of teamwork.

Participants should be full-time operations or facility management staff whose job responsibilities include training event-day employees and volunteers. Participants also should have knowledge of employee responsibilities, public-speaking experience, strong interpersonal skills and an understanding of their school's facility alcohol policies.

TEAM has been training operations managers from professional sports and entertainment facilities how to manage alcohol effectively at their events for 14 years. The pilot instructor development program is a new alcohol management program designed specifically for colleges and universities to help their event operations managers deal effectively with alcohol problems.

The program was developed by university health and athletics professionals and is designed to address issues that are unique to the college setting. While many campuses do not serve or sell alcohol at athletics events, some still experience alcohol-related incidents.

The cost of the workshop is $200 per participant. Interested parties should contact Amy Nelson at 301/656-3100 (or via e-mail at for registration information.