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National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- April 12, 1999

Legislative assistance

Use of Prepaid Envelopes

To Receive a Prospect's Game Film/Videotape

During its February 19 in-person meeting, the NCAA Division I Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet Subcommittee on Legislative Review/Interpretations determined that it is permissible for an institution to provide a prepaid envelope to a prospect and/or a prospect's coach for the purpose of receiving a game film/videotape involving the prospect. The subcommittee recommended that the NCAA Division I Management Council modify a previous subcommittee interpretation (reference: 3/24/98, Item No. 3) prohibiting an institution from providing an institutional Federal Express account number to a prospect and/or the prospect's coach for the purpose of receiving game films/videotapes involving the prospect. The subcommittee believes that an institution, at its discretion, should determine the method of payment for items in which it currently is permissible to cover the mailing costs (e.g., National Letter of Intent, transcripts, game films/videotapes). It noted, however, that an institution may not provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope when sending general correspondence to a prospect.

Coaching Staff Members Attending Recognition Banquets/Meetings for Prospects

During its February 19 in-person meeting, the Division I Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet Subcommittee on Legislative Review/Interpretations determined that a coaching staff member who attends a banquet or meeting that is designed to recognize prospects that occurs during a contact or evaluation period is considered an off-campus recruiter in the applicable sport, regardless of whether the coach is speaking at the banquet/meeting or only attending the function. In those sports with recruiting calendars (e.g., football, basketball), a coach is not permitted to attend such a recognition banquet or meeting that occurs outside a contact or evaluation period unless the coach has been asked to speak at the function.

Bylaws and -- Institutionally Sponsored and Privately Owned Summer Camps

Institutions should note that in accordance with Bylaw, an institutionally sponsored summer camp may use the name or picture of any student-athlete employed as a counselor to publicize or promote the camp, including the use of the student-athlete's name or picture in camp brochures or other advertising. In addition, pursuant to Bylaw, a privately owned summer camp may use a student-athlete's name, picture and institutional affiliation in its summer camp brochure to identify the student-athlete as a staff member. However, a student-athlete's name or picture may not be used in any other way to directly advertise or promote the camp. During its April 28, 1994, telephone conference, the former Interpretations Committee determined that an institutional staff member who conducts a camp independent of the institution may not use the names or pictures of student-athletes with eligibility remaining in the camp brochure if the student-athletes will not be employed as counselors at the camp. Such a brochure may include the name, picture and institutional affiliation of any student-athlete who will be a counselor at the camp only to identify the student-athlete as a staff member and may not use the student-athlete's name or picture in any other way to directly advertise or promote the camp.

This material was provided by the membership services staff as an aid to member institutions. If an institution has a question or comment regarding this column, such correspondence should be directed to Kristen L. Davis or Lisa Roesler, membership services representatives, at the NCAA national office. This information is available on the College Sports Network.