National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- April 12, 1999

Committee notices

Any division

Additional nominations solicited

The deadline for submission of completed nomination forms for the following vacancy is May 7, 1999.

Honors Committee: One vacancy. The appointee will replace Alan C. Page of St. Paul, Minnesota. The appointee must be a nationally distinguished citizen and must be a former NCAA honors recipient.

Division I

Division I candidates must be nominated by their institution's multisport conference. The Division I Nomination Form and Division I Nominee Information Form must be completed for each nominee. Nomination materials are to be sent to Julie Quickel, committee coordinator, at the national office (fax 913/339-0035).

Newly announced vacancies

The deadline for submission of completed nomination forms for the following vacancy is May 7, 1999.

Honors Committee: One interim vacancy. The appointee will replace Bret Gilliland, formerly of the Midwestern Collegiate Conference, who resigned from the committee due to his move to the Mountain West Conference. The appointee must be from Division I-A.

Division II

Division II individuals may be nominated by peers. Self nominations also are accepted in Division II. A Division II Nomination Form and Division II Nominee Information Form must be completed for each nominee. Nomination materials are to be sent to Julie Quickel, committee coordinator, at the national office (fax 913/339-0035).

Additional nominations solicited

The deadline for submission of completed nomination forms for the following vacancy is May 7, 1999.

Men's and Women's Soccer Rules Committee: One Division II vacancy. The appointee must represent men's soccer and must be an athletics administrator.

Division III

Division III individuals may be nominated by peers. Self nominations also are accepted in Division III. A Division III Nominee Information Form must be completed for each nominee. Nomination materials are to be sent to Julie Quickel, committee coordinator, at the national office (fax 913/339-0035).

Newly announced vacancies

The deadline for submission of completed nomination forms for the following vacancy is May 7, 1999.

Division III Men's Basketball Committee: One interim vacancy. The appointee will replace Gale Daugherty, Ohio Northern University, who will retire effective August 1999. The appointee must be from the Great Lakes region and must be an athletics administrator who does not coach men's basketball. The appointee may not be from the Ohio Athletic Conference.

Previously listed vacancies

The deadline for submission of completed nomination forms for the following vacancy is April 23, 1999.

Division III Men's and Women's Track and Field Committee: One vacancy. The appointee will replace Nancy L. Meyer, Calvin College, whose term expires September 1. The appointee must represent women's track and must be from the Great Lakes region. The appointee may not be from the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.

Additional nominations solicited

The deadline for submission of completed nomination forms for the following vacancies is April 23, 1999.

Division III Women's Basketball Committee: One vacancy. The appointee must be from the Great Lakes region and must be an athletics administrator who does not coach women's basketball. The appointee may not be from the University Athletic Association.

Division III Women's Softball Committee: Two vacancies. One appointee must be from the East region and one must be from the Central region. At least one of the appointees must be an athletics administrator who does not coach women's softball. Neither of the appointees may be from the Middle Atlantic States Conference or the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.

Division III Women's Soccer Committee: One interim vacancy. The appointee will replace Phil Stephenson, formerly of Methodist College, who resigned from the committee. The appointee must be from the South region and may not be from the Dixie Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.

The deadline for submission of completed nomination forms for the following vacancy is May 7, 1999.

Division III Men's and Women's Tennis Committee: One vacancy. The appointee must be an athletics administrator and represent men's tennis. The appointee must be from the West region and may not be from the Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.