National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- March 15, 1999

Student-athletes to take center stage on April 6

More than 280,000 to participate in festivities


From stadiums and field houses jammed with thousands of cheering young people to quiet, orderly symposiums on timely topics in athletics, colleges and universities all across the country will celebrate National Student-Athlete Day this year.

National Student-Athlete Day, recognized annually on April 6, is sponsored this year by the National Consortium for Academics and Sports (NCAS), Northeastern University's Center for the Study of Sport in Society, the NCAA and the National Fed-eration of State High School Associations (NFHS).

And whether the day is marked with a dinner honoring the university's student-athletes or with a week-long celebration that involves every fifth-grader in a 100-mile radius, it will be a time to remember.

The event was created 12 years ago by the NCAS and the Center for the Study of Sport in Society.

Every year, colleges and universities are encouraged to schedule an event celebrating the day on their campus and recognizing their outstanding student-athletes.

"The NCAA participates in National Student-Athlete Day as a continuation of the Association's commitment to outreach and working with young people," said Ronald J. Stratten, NCAA vice-president for education services.

"It is an opportunity to honor student-athletes as well as an opportunity to show what positive role models student-athletes can be."

Many institutions reach into the community and honor local and regional high-school athletes as well. Still other institutions use the opportunity to connect with elementary and middle school children in the community. Last year more than 280,000 college and high-school student-athletes were recognized nationwide.

While NCAA legislation prohibits Divisions I and II coaching staff members from having face-to-face contact with high-school students (including those in grade nine) during the dead period from April 5 to April 9, activities with high-school students are permitted if they comply with current legislation related to academic awards banquets.

NCAS strongly suggests that individuals planning National Student-Athlete Day events check with their compliance officers.

In conjunction with National Student-Athlete Day, NCAS selects winners of the Giant Steps Award, which recognizes individual student-athletes and their support network.

For more information on National Student-Athlete Day or to request National Student-Athlete Day Award Certificates at no charge, contact Suzi Katz, NCAS Southern Region director, at the University of Central Florida (telephone: 407/823-5243).