National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- March 15, 1999

Nominations sought for new Presidents Council positions

The Division III Presidents Council will be expanding this year, and Division III chief executive officers are encouraged to nominate themselves or their colleagues to serve.

At the recent NCAA Convention, the Division III membership passed Proposal No. 26, expanding the Presidents Council from 11 members to 15 and enhancing the division's representation and participation.

The proposal becomes effective August 1.

The nominating process for these positions begins with this announcement soliciting individuals who are interested. The deadline for submission of interest (in writing via fax or e-mail) is April 2.

The Presidents Council's nominations subcommittee will review the submissions and select names to be placed on the ballot. Also, candidates who receive the endorsement of at least 10 fellow Division III chief executive officers will be placed automatically on the ballot.

The subcommittee will stagger the terms of the nominees to accommodate an effective rotation.

The following preferences will be considered, in priority order: ethnic minority; from regions 4, 1 or 3; and/or female.

The recommendations of the nominations subcommittee -- and any additional individuals who have been endorsed by 10 or more colleagues -- will be forwarded on to the Presidents Council for review at its April 20 meeting.

The final ballot then will be forwarded on to Division III chief executive officers for voting in early May. (See NCAA Bylaws 4.4.3 and for additional procedural details.)

Previously nominated individuals will remain eligible for selection to the ballot. To see a list of previously nominated individuals, visit the Association's Web site at www.ncaa. org.

For more information, contact Daniel T. Dutcher, NCAA chief of staff for Division III at or Bridget Belgiovine, NCAA assistant chief of staff for Division III at

Current Division III Presidents Council Members

Ronald L. Applbaum

Kean University--Region 1

Term expires: January 2003

Thomas B. Courtice (vice-chair)

Ohio Wesleyan University--Region 3

Term expires: January 2002

John DiBiaggio

Tufts University--Region 1

Term expires: January 2001

Ann H. Die (chair)

Hendrix College--Region 3

Term expires: January 2001

Gordon A. Haaland

Gettysburg College--Region 1

Term expires: January 2000

Bette Landman

Beaver College--Region 2

Term expires: January 2003

M. Lee Pelton

Willamette University--Region 4

Term expires: January 2001

Gloria R. Scott

Bennett College--Region 3

Term expires: January 2003

Roy B. Shilling Jr.

Southwestern University (Texas)--Region 4

Term expires: January 2002

Marlene Springer

College of Staten Island--Region 27

Term expires: January 2003

Judson H. Taylor

State University College at Cortland--Region 2

Term expires: January 2000