National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- February 15, 1999

Administrative regulations

Bylaws 30 and 31: Pursuant to NCAA Constitution 4.6.2-(c), revisions to administrative regulations may be recommended by the Division II Management Council, subject to ratification by the Division II Presidents Council. Following Presidents Council approval, the revisions will be published in The NCAA News.

Bylaw 32: Pursuant to Bylaw 19.4.1, the NCAA Division II Committee on Infractions may establish or amend enforcement policies and procedures in regard to issues other than those concerning institutional penalties, restitution and committee duties and structure. Such proposed amendments that receive approval from the Division II Management Council are subject to ratification by the Division II Presidents Council. If approved by the Management Council and ratified by the Presidents Council, the revisions will be published in the News.

Legislative citations and governing bodies are now reflected as they appear in the 1998-99 NCAA Division II Manual. Further, inasmuch as a federated provision may be amended separately by each division, all federated proposals will be reflected as a division only voting line. Those items the Management Council has not yet reviewed in legislative form are marked with an asterisk (*).

Bold type indicates new wording; italicized type indicates wording removed.

No. 1 Admissions and Graduation-Rate Disclosure

Intent: To eliminate the requirement that Division II institutions send admissions and graduation-rate information specified in Bylaw 30.1 directly to the NCAA national office.

Bylaws: Amend 30.1, page 325, as follows:

"30.1 Admissions and Graduation-Rate Disclosure, Divisions I, II and III

"A Division I or II institution shall not be eligible to enter a team or an individual competitor in an NCAA championship unless it has completed the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System Graduation-Rate Survey (IPEDS GRS-1) its chief executive officer provides in an annual report, on a form approved by the appropriate divisional governing bodies, the admissions and graduation-rate information specified in this section. In addition, the chief executive officer of a Division III member institution shall provide in an annual report, on a form approved by the appropriate divisional governing bodies, the admissions and graduation-rates information specified in this section. The data shall be received in the national office not later than January 2.Any data received after that date shall appear on a form postmarked not later than December 26. (See 13.3, and for additional regulations.)

"30.1.1 Report Information. The information specified below shall be included in the report. A Division II institution that sponsors a sport in Division I shall report only the enrollment and graduation-rates information applicable to members of Division II. A Division III institution that sponsors a sport in Division I shall report only the enrollment and graduation-rates information applicable to members of Division III.

" Undergraduate Enrollment Data. The report shall include the undergraduate enrollment information specified in form GRS-1 as published by the U.S. Department of Education.

" Individual Student-Athlete Average Admissions Data. In Division I, the report shall include the following information for entering student-athletes who received athletically related financial aid, reported as separate four-year rolling averages for football, men's basketball, women's basketball, baseball, men's cross country/track, women's cross country/track, and reported collectively in all other men's sports and women's sports:

"(a) The average high-school grade-point average utilized to meet the qualifier definition set forth in, and

"(b) The average score(s) on the ACT or SAT.

" Admissions-Data Exception. An institution shall not be required to report average admissions data in a reporting cell that contains two or fewer student-athletes.

" Graduation Rates. The report shall include the following:

"(a) The graduation rate information specified in form GBR-1;

"(b) In Division I, the average freshman-cohort graduation rate for student-athletes who received athletically related financial aid and who have exhausted their athletics eligibility for the 10 most recent calendar years (excluding the academic year preceding the applicable July 1 deadline for which such information is not available) without limitation on the period of time in which to graduate.

" Transfer-Cohort Graduation Rates. The institution shall calculate a transfer-cohort graduation rate. In calculating the transfer-cohort graduation rate, the graduation rate shall consist simply of the number of student-athletes who entered as transfer students and received athletically related financial aid and who graduated within the period specified in

" Specific Degree Programs. In Division I, the report shall identify the specific baccalaureate degree programs of studies pursued by the student-athletes included in the freshman-cohort graduation-rate information specified in and and who graduated within six years and shall indicate the number who obtained a degree in each of those programs."

Source: NCAA Division II Presidents Council (Division II Management Council).

Effective Date: Immediately.

No. 2 Infractions -- Summary-Disposition Process

Intent: To modify the summary-disposition legislation to specify that institutions may elect to use the summary-disposition process in major infractions cases if the institution is not subject to the repeat-violator provisions of Bylaw

Bylaws: Amend 32.6.1, page 371, as follows:

"32.6.1 Institutional Summary-Disposition Election. In major infractions cases, involving member institutions that are not subject to the provisions of Bylaw, the member institution and involved individuals may elect to process the case through the summary-disposition procedures specified below."

[Remainder of 32.6.1 unchanged.]

Source: NCAA Division II Presidents Council (Division II Management Council).

Effective Date: Immediately.