National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- February 15, 1999

Research Committee proposes stipend for participants

The NCAA Research Committee will recommend to the Division I Strategic Planning Cabinet that it pass legislation that would provide a stipend to student-athletes who participate in the committee's longitudinal studies.

The committee formed its recommendation at an earlier meeting, then revised and formalized it at its January 27 meeting in Indianapolis.

Under the recommendation, the committee would determine the amount awarded per study to ensure that the amount that student-athletes receive for each study is appropriate and comparable across studies. The funds for the stipends would come directly from the committee's budget.

The committee also noted that its previous recommendation that the graduation-rates supplemental form be shortened was adopted by the Division I membership. The new form was distributed to Division I institutions this winter.

In other actions, the committee:

  • Reviewed the 1998 data from the Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse related to the effects of initial-eligibility legislation. The committee assisted the national office staff in developing a report to be presented to the Initial-Eligibility Subcommittee of the Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse Committee on February 17.

  • Reviewed a request from the national office staff to analyze data relating to a potential junior-year initial certification process. The committee advised the staff to respond with a statement of potentially problematic issues and suggested alternatives.

  • Approved the appropriation of $70,000 to the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medial Aspects of Sports to fund of external studies on topics such as creatine, wrestling weight certification, anterior-cruciate ligament injuries and concussions.

  • Reviewed the University of Michigan's gambling study and discussed the potential of conducting an NCAA survey on gambling and college athletics and the process of selecting appropriate investigators.

  • Reviewed a proposal to study the progress in college of learning-disabled student-athletes.

  • Reviewed several internal research projects, including a basketball issues survey, an Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse customer satisfaction survey, a Division III drug-use report, a revenues and expenses survey, and a conference demographic study.