National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- December 21, 1998

Grad-rates survey due March 1

Member institutions are reminded that the IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey (GRS-1) is due to the census bureau by March 1, 1999. Submission of this completed form to the census bureau will satisfy the requirements stated in NCAA Bylaw 30.1.

This is a change from last year, when institutions were required to send a hard copy of the form to the NCAA national office as well as the census bureau. This year, the graduation-rates data will be sent electronically from the census bureau to the national office.

Division I member institutions are required to complete the NCAA Graduation-Rates Supplemental Form in addition to the IPEDS GRS-1. The supplemental form will be mailed in late December to the compliance forms designee at each Division I institution and is due at the national office no later than March 1, 1999.

Persons requesting additional information about graduation rates or the completion of the forms should contact Maria DeJulio at the national office (913/339-1906).