National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- December 21, 1998

Three promoted in membership services at NCAA national office

Carolyn Claude, Diane Dickman and Dave Schnase have been promoted to the director level within the membership services staff at the national office.

Claude, who will help manage the area of self-study and the activities of the membership services management team, has served since 1995 as a compliance representative and as a membership services representative assisting with athletics certification.

Dickman will manage academic-policy issues, including work with the Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet's Subcommittee on Initial-Eligibility Issues, and will share responsibilities in overseeing the core-course review process.

Dickman joined the NCAA staff in 1996 as a compliance representative and was named coordinator of initial eligibility/core-course review in 1997. She worked in several administrative capacities at the University of Tulsa from 1991 to 1996.

Schnase, who has served as coordinator of legislation since 1995, will manage drafting and distribution of Divisions I, II and III legislation, including the preparation of all legislative mailings and Manual production.

Schnase was an athletics administrator at Marshall University before joining the national office.