National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- Sports Sciences Newsletter -- October 26, 1998

'Dry Recruitment' practices needed


University of Missouri

In the 1998 NCAA Drug Education and Drug Testing Survey, member institutions were asked about policies surrounding alcohol use during student-athlete recruitment visits. Forty-three percent of respondents indicated they had no written school policy, 2 percent permitted alcohol (on or off campus), while the majority, 49 percent, reported banning alcohol from the entire recruitment visit (zero tolerance). Those member schools that have a policy should be commended for their proactive approach with such an issue, assuming such policies are enforced.

Member institutions that do not have a written policy are encouraged to include specific language surrounding alcohol-free recruitment when developing one. It is equally important that they enforce the policy consistently. A "dry recruitment" policy should encourage responsible recruitment practices without the influence of alcohol. It should be understood that possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by individuals under the age of 21 is a violation of state liquor laws. Likewise, it is illegal for anyone to supply alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 21.

However, by simply relying on state underage drinking laws, athletics departments are not doing enough to ensure the health and safety of recruits and their current student-athletes. Even with the under-21 drinking laws, alcohol consumption by both groups continues to occur during recruitment visits. This is why athletics departments must emphasize the importance of alcohol-free recruitment visits through the development and enforcement of strict policies.

NCAA APPLE (Athletic Prevention Programming and Leadership Education) Conferences are excellent opportunities for institutions to review "dry-recruitment" policies already in place. Such a statement, along with a comprehensive alcohol education program, are essential for all athletics departments.

William F. Arnet is the chair of the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports and is in the Office of the General Counsel at the University of Missouri. He may be contacted at 573/882-3211; e-mail: