National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

The NCAA News -- September 28, 1998

Division III -- Administrative Committee minutes

Division III Administrative Committee

Conference No. 8

August 31, 1998

Acting for the Division III Management Council and Presidents Council, the Administrative Committee:

a. Approved a recommendation from the Division III Membership Committee to grant a waiver of NCAA Bylaw (three-season sport requirement) to Massachusetts Maritime Academy.

b. Approved the recommendations from the Division III Membership Committee to grant waivers of Bylaw (men's basketball and football scheduling requirements) to the following institutions.

(1) Colorado College.

(2) Nebraska Wesleyan University.

c. Approved a recommendation from the Division III Membership Committee to deny a waiver request of Bylaw (four-sport sponsorship) to Polytechnic University (New York).

d. Approved a recommendation from the Division III Membership Committee to require Trinity College (District of Columbia) to meet all Division III requirements for two full consecutive academic years and to extend the provisional membership period of full compliance for two years (1998-99 and 1999-00). Trinity College will not be eligible for Division III active membership until September 1, 2000.

e. Approved 16 proposals drafted in legislative form that the Presidents Council agreed to sponsor during its August 11 meeting for the 1999 NCAA Convention. The Administrative Committee made modifications to the following proposals:

(1) Proposal No. 1 (Division III Membership -- Reclassification of Provisional Members). The Administrative Committee requested a clarification in the last sentence of the rationale statement to articulate that the proposal applies only to provisional members reclassifying from Division II into Division III and that a reclassifying institution would not be required to begin a new four-year provisional membership process.

(2) Proposal No. 7 (Division III Financial Aid -- Employment Earnings). The Administrative Committee requested that the Division III Financial Aid and Awards Committee review a recommendation from the Management Council and Presidents Council to rename titles in Bylaws, 15.1.1-(a) and 15.2.6 to "institutionally administered" work-study program assistance, rather than "Federal" work-study program assistance. The Administrative Committee requested a recommendation for the October Management and Presidents Council meetings.