National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

August 31, 1998

Legislative assistance

1998 Column No. 31Scouting prohibition -- Division I

Division I institutions should note that pursuant to NCAA Bylaw, in Division I basketball, football and women's volleyball, off-campus, in-person scouting of opponents is prohibited, except as provided in As set forth in the rationale statement of the legislation, the scouting of opponents in those sports will occur through the mutual exchange of each institution's game films/videotapes. Further, during the discussion of the legislation at the 1994 NCAA Convention, the sponsors indicated that the proposal also precludes an institution from employing or paying the expenses of someone else, including professional scouting services to scout an opponent. Consistent with that intent, it is not permissible for a Division I institution in the sports of football, basketball and women's volleyball to purchase or obtain game films/videotapes from any entity other than its opponent. [Reference: 1994 NCAA Convention Proceedings, page 74.] It is permissible, however, to obtain film from an institution that previously has competed against the team that the institution will compete against in the future.

Finally, please note that as set forth in, an institution may pay the expenses of a member of its coaching staff to attend a regular-season or postseason tournament in which the institution's intercollegiate team is a participant. Under such circumstances, the individual may scout future tournament opponents also participating in the same tournament at the same site without being subject to the scouting prohibition.

Bylaws 11.02.3 and

Designation of restricted coach

Division I institutions should note that during its June 3, 1998, telephone conference, the Division I Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet Subcommittee on Legislative Review/Interpretations determined that an individual in the sport of basketball may not alternate between a restricted position and the position of a head or assistant coach at an institution during a give academic year. Once an institution designates its basketball coach in the "restricted" category, such an individual may be redesignated as a head or assistant coach only if a vacancy within the head or assistant category occurs, or such individual receives a waiver pursuant to Bylaw to replace a head or assistant coach on a limited basis due to extenuating circumstances.

Contest exemptions -- sports other than basketball and football -- Division I

Division I institutions should note that with the adoption of Proposal No. 98-29 (effective August 1, 1998), institutions may participate in not more than one exempted contest in the same sport in the same year in accordance with Bylaw The prohibition, in sports other than basketball and football, against participating in more than one exempted contest in the same sport during a given academic year will assist in reducing or eliminating competitive inequities and restore some of the integrity related to the limitations on the playing seasons.

This material was provided by the membership services staff as an aid to member institutions. If an institution has a question or comment regarding this column, such correspondence should be directed to Kristen L. Davis or Lisa Roesler, membership services representatives, at the NCAA national office. This information is available on the College Sports Network.