National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

August 31, 1998

Division III -- Student-athlete panel examines structure

III SAAC seeks representation

The Division III Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, meeting August 1-2 in Boston, examined a variety of issues, including the role of student-athletes serving on Division III and Association-wide committees.

After a comprehensive review of the Division III committee structure, the SAAC recommended that a Division III student-athlete serve on the Division III Student-Athlete Reinstatement Subcommittee of the Division III Committee on Infractions and Student-Athlete Reinstatement.

The SAAC will ask the Management Council to sponsor legislation to amend the current committee structure for this addition.

The committee also began discussions regarding student-athlete representation on Association-wide committees. The Division III SAAC will coordinate those discussions with the members of the Divisions I and II SAACs.

In another action, the SAAC will appoint one of its current members to serve as a liaison to those student-athletes who currently serve on Division III committees but who are not members of the Division III SAAC.

The committee members felt that the liaison would increase communication between the SAAC and other Division III committees, while limiting additional involvement required of Division III SAAC members, many of whom are multisport athletes. This arrangement will be reviewed after one year.

In another action, the SAAC has recommended to the Division III Convention Planning Subcommittee that the topic of Division III campus SAACs be discussed at the 1999 Convention. The committee noted that it would be appropriate to offer a presentation of campus SAAC models and suggested activities since there are still Division III institutions that lack established SAACs.

The SAAC elected Kerry Gotham, Nazareth College, as its new chair, and Maricela Oceguera, University of California, San Diego, as its new vice-chair. Both will begin their two-year terms at the conclusion of the 1999 Convention.