National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

August 31, 1998

Division I -- Certification committee determines status for 24 schools

The NCAA Committee on Athletics Certification recently announced decisions concerning the certification status of 24 NCAA Division I member institutions.

A total of 21 schools were certified, including two institutions the committee reclassified from certified with conditions to fully certified. Three schools were certified with conditions.

Those institutions receiving a designation of certified were: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; California State University, Sacramento; Chicago State University; Cleveland State University; Colgate University; Drexel University; Harvard University; James Madison University; Lamar University; Liberty University; University of Nebraska, Lincoln; University of New Mexico, Radford University; University of Richmond; Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick; Stetson University; Syracuse University; Texas A&M University, College Station; University of Texas at Austin; University of Texas at El Paso; and University of Vermont.

The two institutions that were reclassified from certified with conditions to fully certified were: Chicago State and Cleveland State.

Institutions designated as certified with conditions were East Tennessee State University, Mississippi State University and Morgan State University.

Before East Tennessee State is considered for full certification, the institution must further delineate its gender-equity plan beyond the currently stated goals, with specific attention to resource allocations, particularly those related to participation opportunities and scholarship opportunities for women and facilities for women coaches and student-athletes.

Prior to receiving the designation of fully certified, Mississippi State must further delineate its gender-equity plan for the intercollegiate athletics program beyond the currently stated goals, with particular attention to including both specific actions and timetables for carrying out each goal and identifying how the funds budgeted for 1998-99 in this area will be allocated across the initiatives outlined in the plan. The committee also required that the institution further develop its minority-opportunities plan for the intercollegiate athletics program beyond the currently stated goals, with particular attention to including both specific actions and specific timetables for carrying out each goal.

Before Morgan State is considered for full certification, the institution will be required to provide evidence that all funds raised for and expended on behalf of athletics by the university's M-Club booster club are subject to generally accepted practices of documentation, review and oversight as required by NCAA bylaws.

All 308 Division I members will undergo the year-long certification process over a five-year period. A total of 215 institutions now have received certification status decisions.

The program's purpose is to ensure integrity in the institution's athletics operations and to assist athletics departments in improving their program. Legislation mandating athletics certification was adopted by a vote of all Division I members at the 1993 NCAA Convention as a key part of the Association's reform agenda.

A designation of certified means that an institution operates its athletics program in substantial conformity with operating principles adopted by the Division I membership. A designation of certified with conditions means that a college or university generally operates its athletics program in substantial conformity with the Division I operating principles but that problems identified were serious enough that full certification is withheld until those problems have been resolved.

A designation of not certified means that the institution is not operating in substantial conformity with the Division I operating principles. Problems identified were considered by the committee to be very serious or pervasive.

If an institution is given the certification status of certified with conditions or not certified, action must be taken by the institution in a specified period of time before its certification status can be changed. If it fails to make an effective effort to correct problems within the time frame set by the committee, the institution may be placed in a restricted-membership category for a year. If problems remain unresolved at the end of that year, the committee may reclassify the institution as a corresponding member and no longer an active member of the NCAA.

An institution can request, within 15 days after the date of the public release of the certification decision, a hearing before the Committee on Athletics Certification.

If it is still not satisfied, the institution may appeal to the Division I Management Council.