The NCAA News - News and FeaturesAugust 3, 1998
New insurance coverage in effect as of August 1
Administrators at NCAA member institutions soon will be receiving important information on the Association's new catastrophic-injury insurance coverage.
In late July, the NCAA mailed a collection of information to athletics directors, athletic trainers, risk managers and conference commissioners. The package contains a memo from NCAA President Cedric W. Dempsey, a reminder about the change in the deductible for the program, a brochure describing the new policy and a claims information card.
The new policy, which is fully paid by the NCAA, became effective August 1. It provides $20 million in lifetime medical benefits to varsity student-athletes who are catastrophically injured during play or practice or during travel related to those activities.
Athletics administrators are asked to note a change in the deductible from the previous plan. As of August 1, member institutions are responsible for coverage up to $50,000, which is a $25,000 increase from the previous plan.
Some institutions still may have student-athletes who are receiving benefits under the previous policy while others may be eligible for benefits under the new policy. Regardless of which policy is appropriate, a single reporting help line (800/245-2744) has been established. The number will be monitored 24 hours daily, and claims will be routed to the proper carrier based on the information that is provided to the attendant.
Dempsey stressed the importance of immediately reporting any catastrophic injury so that student-athletes can be directed to the resources that will most effectively minimize the long-term effects of the injury. He also emphasized the importance of keeping the claims information card where it is accessible for the members of the staff who are responsible for reporting such injuries.
In addition to the mailing to the membership, information about the catastrophic-injury insurance program will appear on NCAA Online (
Those with questions about the program should contact Marla Gleason or Jennifer Farris at the national office.
Fast facts
Important information about the NCAA's catastrophic-injury insurance program:
>Carrier: Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company.
Administrator: American Specialty Insurance Services, Inc.
24-hour help line: 800/245-2744.
Deductible for member institutions: $50,000.
Per-person lifetime aggregate benefit: $20 million.
Insurance information online: NCAA Online (
Staff contacts: Marla Gleason and Jennifer Farris.