National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

June 29, 1998

Group proposes increasing size of rowing field

The NCAA Women's Rowing Committee, meeting June 10-12 in San Diego, voted to recommend a championship format change that will increase the number of teams participating in the championship from eight to 10.

The recommendation would go into effect for next year's championship if approved by the Division I Championships/Competition Cabinet.

Currently, the championship comprises 296 total competitors and eight teams. The recommended change would increase the number of total competitors to 331 and increase the number of teams to 10. Each team is required to field two boats of eight rowers each and one boat of four rowers.

In addition, the committee reduced the number of Fours from 16 to 10, but increased the number of I Eights from 16 to 19. This reduces the total number of individuals traveling to the championship from 440 to 436 because the number of participating institutions is reduced from 24 to 19.

The recommendation is intended to put more emphasis on regular-season competition in the varsity eight event and provide more opportunities for those student-athletes to participate in the championship.

The recommendation also carries with it a revised points system (see accompanying chart).

In other actions, the committee, noting the concern of coaches about their rowers racing in warm temperatures, voted to revise the championship schedule to start the semifinals at 10 a.m. (rather than 1 p.m.) on Saturday and 11 a.m. (rather than 1 p.m.) on Sunday. The committee also reaffirmed the current substitution rule, which permits coaches to substitute a maximum of 25 percent of their declared lineup.

Also, the committee recommended that California State University, Sacramento, serve as the host institution for the 1999 championship.

Recommended 1999 NCAA Women's Rowing Championship Points System

Place I Eights II Eights Fours

1 30 20 10
2 27 18 9
3 24 16 8
4 21 14 7
5 18 10 6
6 15 10 5
7 12 8 4
8 9 6 3
9 6 4 2
10 3 2 1