National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

May 11, 1998

II Legislation Committee looking to simplify bylaws

The Division II Legislation Committee has begun work toward simplifying -- and where appropriate, eliminating -- legislation governing the Division II membership.

The committee has devised a timeline for a study of legislation, beginning with review during the coming year of Bylaws 11 (personnel) and 13 (recruiting) and extending to the 2004 NCAA Convention.

Soliciting broad-based input from a variety of constituencies, the committee's work could result in any or all of the following:

  • Elimination of legislation that was adopted in the old governance structure in response to Divisions I and III needs and is irrelevant to Division II, or that is inconsistent with Division II philosophy.

  • Possible reformatting of the Manual.

  • An "easier to read" Manual.

    The committee plans a "deregulation issues summit" July 23-24. Representatives of coaches' associations in NCAA sports will be invited to participate, along with conference commissioners, athletics directors, compliance coordinators and representatives of the College Sports Information Directors of America. Representatives from the Division II Presidents Council and the Division II Management Council also will attend. The committee also will solicit participation by student-athletes.

    The summit is a continuation of efforts to solicit input that began at the 1998 Convention in Atlanta, where Division II members received forms requesting comments and suggestions regarding ways to simplify the Division II Manual. The Legislation Committee asked members to return the forms to the Division II governance staff at the national office.

    Members of the Legislation Committee also will participate in a panel discussion on Division II deregulation during the June convention of the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics.

    Following the July summit meeting, the committee expects to present a rough draft of proposed changes in Bylaws 11 and 13 for membership discussion at the 1999 Convention. It ultimately expects to forward recommendations in time for the Division II Presidents Council to consider sponsoring proposed legislative changes at the 2000 Convention.

    The committee anticipates following a similar schedule for its review of other legislation. The committee will review Bylaw 15 during 1999-2000, Bylaw 14 during 2000-01, Bylaw 17 during 2001-02, and Bylaws 16 and 12 during 2002-03.