National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

April 6, 1998

Administrative Committee minutes

Division III
Conference No. 3
January 21, 1998

1. Acting for the Division III Management Council and Presidents Council, the Administrative Committee:

a. Delayed the effective date of 1998 NCAA Convention Proposal No. M-6 (Eligibility -- Division III -- 4-2-4 Transfer) until August 1, 1998. In making its decision to delay the legislation's effective date, the Administrative Committee noted the following rationale:

(1) The membership did not receive appropriate notice of the modification prior to the start of the 1997-98 academic year;

(2) Student-athletes enrolling for the spring semester could be negatively affected by an immediate effective date;

(3) The delayed effective date was in the best interest of the Division III membership;

(4) Immediate membership notification would include: The NCAA News, Legislative Assistance column, separate electronic and hard-copy mailings to the Division III membership; and posting on the National Association of Division III Athletics Administrators listserver.

b. Approved NCAA committee travel policies as proposed by the Executive Committee to permit first-class travel to committee meetings only when the direct route between the departing and destination cities is at least three hours of air travel (subsequently changed to 1,200 miles or more); further to eliminate the $100 flat rate when travel is other than first class and to increase the per diem to $75 per day. The Administrative Committee noted that the "air time" or mileage minimum should be established by WorldTek Travel.

c. Approved a waiver request by Rochester Institute of Technology pursuant to NCAA Bylaw 16.13.1 to reimburse a student-athlete for the cost of long-distance telephone calls related to the hiring of a new head coach.

2. In other business, the Administrative Committee approved an emergency request to permit an outgoing committee member from the Division III Interpretations and Legislation Committee to attend the committee's January 29-30 meeting. The Administrative Committee noted that the issue of consultants and extending terms of committee members should be an agenda item for the April 1998 Division III Management Council meeting.

Division III
Conference No. 4
March 3, 1998

1. Acting for the Division III Presidents Council, the Administrative Committee approved the appointment of President Roy B. Shilling Jr. of Southwestern University (Texas) (Region 4) to the immediate and final vacancy on the Division III Presidents Council. This action occurred subsequent to the March 2 telephone conference of the Division III Presidents Council nominations subcommittee during which President Shilling was nominated. Administrative Committee approval of President Shilling's nomination was requested to allow his attendance at the April 1998 Presidents Council meeting.