The NCAA News - News and FeaturesMarch 23, 1998
Division I
Conference No. 2
February 24, 1998
Acting for the NCAA Division I Management Council, the Division I Academics/Eligibility/Compliance Cabinet Subcommittee on Legislative Review/Interpretations issued the following interpretation:
Recruiting Materials
1. Ticket Brochure/Flyer Promoting NCAA Championship. A member institution that is hosting any portion of an NCAA championship may send a ticket application to a high-school coach/administrator, but not to specific prospects, provided:
The application includes only information relevant to the championship;
The application is available to the general public, including all high schools in the local area; and
The application contains no information related to the institution's athletics program.
The subcommittee noted that under such circumstances, such an item would not be considered a recruiting item. [Reference: NCAA Bylaw 13.4.1 (recruiting materials) ]