National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

February 2, 1998

High schools to receive their '1998 Playbook'

Core-course process enhanced by new approach

Principals at the nation's 24,000 high schools soon will be receiving a copy of the NCAA's "1998 Playbook" as a key part of the NCAA's revised core-course certification process.

The changes place the responsibility for determining whether a course meets the NCAA definition of a core course with high-school principals. The NCAA requires that a prospective student-athlete complete 13 high-school core courses for initial eligibility in Division I or II.

The "1998 Playbook" will be mailed the week of February 16.

Among other things, the packet will provide principals with information on what constitutes a core course and with core-course submission forms for schools to submit the titles of new or revised courses that meet instructional content requirements.

Robert A. Oliver, NCAA director of membership services, said the NCAA is requesting that the forms be returned by April 1.

Oliver noted that the "1998 Playbook" is being implemented after being field-tested at 20 high schools across the nation. He said the utility of the package has been significantly improved by feedback from those high schools. In addition, changes in the overall process were made after extensive consultation with several high-school educational associations.