National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

January 26, 1998

Division III establishes committee to hear infractions appeals

The Division III governance structure has agreed to establish a committee composed of Management Council and Presidents Council representatives that will serve as the final appellate body for Division III infractions cases.

During restructuring, the Division III Management Council was identified as the body that would hear appeals of decisions made by the Division III Committee on Infractions. However, at its January 9-10 meeting in Atlanta, members of the Management Council expressed concerns about the inefficiency of having a 19-member group hear appeals.

The concern was forwarded to the Division III Presidents Council, which agreed. It formed an infractions appeals committee that will be composed of five members of the Management Council and two members of the Presidents Council, one of which will serve as chair.

In another action, the Management Council reviewed the final draft of the Institutional Self-Study Guide, which has been enhanced by the Division III Membership Committee over the past year.

In other business, the Division III Management and Presidents Councils:

  • Voted to continue funding the NACWAA/HERS Institute at $25,000 per year over the next three years. The program is an intensive, one-week program conducted annually to assist women gain the leadership skills needed for advancement in intercollegiate athletics. The Management Council was asked to track the career advancement of the participants since funding will be provided over a six-year period.

  • Approved financial award applications from five institutions pursuant to NCAA Bylaws and and noted that the issue of non-need scholarships should be carefully reviewed by the Financial Aid and Awards Committee in future deliberations.

  • Discussed a proposal to modify the Association's policy on first-class air travel for committee members (see Executive Committee story, page 1).

  • Approved a two-phase deregulation plan recommended by the Division III Interpretation and Legislation Committee. The Management Council encouraged the committee to focus intently on streamlining the process in Phase I and encouraged the elimination of unnecessary rules during Phase II.

  • Discussed and proposed revisions to operating policies and procedures for the Management Council and the Subcommittee on Academic Issues.