National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

January 19, 1998

Legislative assistance

1998 Column No. 3 -- Two-year college transfer students

NCAA Bylaw -- Partial qualifier or nonqualifier/ football and men's basketball

Division I institutions should note that in the sports of football and men's basketball, for student-athletes first entering a two-year collegiate institution on or after August 1, 1996, a student who was not a qualifier (per is not eligible for competition during the first academic year in residence at the certifying institution, unless he or she meets the conditions of (see below). Such a student is eligible for institutional financial aid and practice the first academic year in residence only if the student has graduated from the two-year college, has completed satisfactorily a minimum of 48 semester or 72 quarter hours of transferable degree credit applicable toward any baccalaureate degree program at the certifying institution and has attended a two-year college as a full-time student for at least three semesters or four quarters (excluding summer terms). In addition, such a student must have a cumulative grade-point average of 2.000 (per

However, pursuant to, a two-year college transfer student who was not a qualifier and who has successfully completed at least 35 percent of the course requirements in the student's specific baccalaureate degree program at the certifying institution is eligible for institutional financial aid, practice and competition during the first academic year in residence, if the student has met the requirements of

Ineligible two-year college transfer students competing on an outside team

Division I institutions should note that during its July 2, 1996, meeting, the former NCAA Interpretations Committee reviewed the issue of ineligible transfer student-athletes participating on outside teams and determined the following:

a. A two-year college transfer student who is a nonqualifier or partial qualifier and does not meet the applicable transfer requirements is not permitted to practice or compete on an institution's club team or on an outside team during the first academic year of residence at the certifying institution.

b. A four-year college transfer student who is a nonqualifier or partial qualifier and who has not completed an academic year in residence is not permitted to practice or compete on an institution's club team or an outside team until the individual has completed an academic year in residence.

Bylaws and -- Transfer to four-year college prior to completion of requirements

Divisions I and II member institutions should note that a student-athlete who transfers from a two-year college must satisfy an academic year of residence, unless the student-athlete has satisfied the requirements set forth in 14.6.4 prior to the student-athlete's transfer to the certifying institution. Thus, if a two-year college student transfers to a Division I or II member institution prior to the completion of applicable transfer requirements, the student is subject to the one-year residence requirement at the certifying institution, even though the student transfers back to the two-year college and completes the necessary requirements. Similarly, a student who transfers from a two-year institution after previously attending a four-year institution must fulfill an academic year of residence upon transfer to a Division I or II member institution, unless the student-athlete has satisfied the requirements set forth in 14.6.6 prior to the student-athlete's transfer to the certifying institution. Thus, if a student-athlete transfers from a four-year institution to a two-year college and, prior to completing the applicable transfer requirements, transfers to a Division I or II institution, the student-athlete is subject to the one-year residence requirement, even though during the course of that one-year residence at the certifying institution the student-athlete may complete the necessary requirements.

This material was provided by the membership services staff as an aid to member institutions. If an institution has a question or comment regarding this column, such correspondence should be directed to Richard C. Perko or Kristen L. Davis, membership services representatives, at the NCAA national office. This information is available on the Collegiate Sports Network.