National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News and Features

September 1, 1997

Compliance Assistant software reflects '97 Convention changes

The IBM Update Version 3.4 of the NCAA Compliance Assistant software program was released July 31 to more than 600 individuals who have received previous versions of the program.

The update version contains changes due to legislation adopted at the 1997 NCAA Convention, as well as general enhancements to the Compliance Assistant.

A major enhancement to the program is the addition of an eligibility checklist as a standard report in the "Eligibility Information" module to allow users to view all of the initial-, continuing- and general-eligibility information for student-athletes on a team and to indicate if student-athletes are overall eligible.

The version that was mailed recently was programmed to address Proposal No. 62 regarding Division I employment earnings. At its August 12 meeting, the Division I Board of Directors used its authority to delay the effective date of this legislation until August 1, 1998. Information was included in the Version 3.4 mailing regarding how to proceed if the legislation was delayed by the Board, and another letter was sent August 20 to recipients of the program to ensure that individuals were aware of the Board's action.

The correct legislation can be applied when employment earnings are entered into Version 3.4. However, when awarding "on-campus employment," "work-study assistance" or "off-campus employment," individuals will need to answer "no" to one of the two new questions that will appear on the screen: (1) Has the student-athlete spent one academic year in residence at your institution? or (2) Is the student-athlete academically eligible to compete? Answering "no" to either question will apply the legislation prior to Proposal No. 62.

Also, due to the Board's action, the new aid type called "Employment, allowed over GIA/up to COA" should not be used.

As soon as is feasible, an update to the IBM Version 3.4 will be sent to recipients of the program so that Proposal No. 62 will not be addressed.

The Macintosh Update Version 3.4 will not contain the questions related to Proposal No. 62. This version is currently being tested and will be sent soon to the individuals who have received Version 3.3 of the Macintosh program.

The Compliance Assistant project team was assisted by the following individuals in testing the IBM update version: David Batson, Texas A&M University, College Station; Brad Cox, West Virginia University; Michael DiMarco, Western Washington University; Melissa Freigang, Gonzaga University; Denise O'Grady, University of Northern Colorado; and Bill Shults, University of Connecticut.

Questions regarding the Compliance Assistant can be directed to the NCAA software support help desk either by phone (913/339-1906) or Internet (