The first budget approved by the NCAA Executive Committee in the Association's new governance structure supports the NCAA's approach toward greater federation by division.
The budget features total operating expenses of $265.6 million, $181.1 million of which is devoted to Division I distributions and championships.
The allocation is $11.1 million for Division II (4.37 percent of the operating revenue, as is now required legislatively) and $8.1 million for Division III (3.18 percent). (In both cases, the percentage is based on the $267.0 in net revenues, less $12.5 million, which is money that relates to the one-time only payment of $50 million that the NCAA received from CBS in January 1996. That revenue is not subject to the allocation percentages.)
In Division I, both the Division I men's basketball fund and the "broad-based" funds (sports-sponsorship and grants-in-aid) will increase 10 percent in 1997-98 to a total of $55 million each. The same funds paid $31 million as recently as four years ago.
In addition, the conference grant for each Division I conference was increased 6.3 percent to $170,000 -- a total expenditure of $5.1 million.
The overall distribution to Division I members -- made mostly through the five funds of the revenue-distribution plan -- is $146.4 million, a 10.4 increase over 1996-97.
That budget categories described as "programs and services" or "committee/administrative services" constitute Association-wide expenditures and are within the purview of the new Executive Committee.
In a matter not directly related to the budget, the Executive Committee noted that a review period of the NCAA Foundation is appropriate and warranted. The Executive Committee now will begin a formal assessment of the Foundation's future.
1997-98 general operating budget
-- 1996-97 -- 1997-98
REVENUE -- Budget -- Budget
NCAA operating revenue -- -- --
Television -- $191,125,000 -- $213,625,000
Royalties -- 13,945,000 -- 17,232,000
Division I men's basketball -- 15,640,000 -- 17,140,000
Other Division I championships -- 7,938,000 -- 7,790,000
Division II championships -- 766,000 -- 750,000
Division III championships -- 350,000 -- 320,000
Sales and services -- 1,946,000 -- 1,946,000
General revenue (investment, dues, fees) -- 7,690,000 -- 8,220,000
Total NCAA operating revenue -- $239,400,000 -- $267,023,000
Associated organizations -- -- --
National Youth Sports Fund -- 12,000,000 -- 11,520,000
NCAA Foundation -- 2,160,000 -- 2,555,000
Total Associated Organizations -- 14,160,000 -- 14,075,000
Total all revenue -- 253,560,000 -- 281,098,000
-- -- --
-- 1996-97 -- 1997-98
EXPENSE -- Budget -- Budget
Distribution to Division I members
Division I men's basketball fund -- 50,000,000 -- 55,000,000
Grants-in-aid fund -- 33,334,000 -- 36,667,000
Sports-sponsorship fund -- 16,666,000 -- 18,333,000
Academic-enhancement fund -- 15,250,000 -- 15,250,000
Special assistance fund -- 10,000,000 -- 10,000,000
Membership trust -- -- 3,500,000
Conference grants -- 4,800,000 -- 5,100,000
Supplemental investment income distribution -- 2,500,000 -- 2,500,000
Royalties -- -- -- -- --
Total distributions to Division I members -- $132,550,000 -- $146,350,000
-- -- --
Division I men's basketball -- 12,070,000 -- 12,900,000
Other Division I championships -- 19,016,000 -- 21,822,000
Division II allocation -- 8,341,000 -- 11,122,000
Division III allocation -- 5,346,000 -- 8,094,000
Catastrophic insurance -- 3,687,000 -- 3,687,000
Sports sciences -- 2,836,000 -- 2,898,000
Legal services -- 2,500,000 -- 3,000,000
Scholarships -- 1,690,000 -- 1,879,000
Initial eligibility -- 1,600,000 -- 2,000,000
Contingency -- 1,500,000 -- 1,500,000
Youth clinics and camps -- 1,221,000 -- 1,421,000
Basketball research and promotion -- 0 -- 1,325,000
Liability insurance -- 795,000 -- 875,000
Officiating improvement programs -- 582,000 -- 617,000
Convention -- 521,000 -- 478,000
Research -- 504,000 -- 469,000
Award ceremonies -- 369,000 -- 400,000
Membership seminars -- 334,000 -- 475,000
Athletics certification & education program -- 238,000 -- 285,000
Grants to affiliated organizations -- 178,000 -- 178,000
National Youth Sports Program -- 234,000 -- 234,000
Fellows Program -- 200,000 -- 100,000
Citizenship through Sports -- 0 -- 100,000
Governmental affairs -- 114,000 -- 119,000
Information technology -- 75,000 -- 330,000
Sports agents and gambling -- 64,000 -- 64,000
Professional development -- 60,000 -- 60,000
Gender-equity resource center -- 30,000 -- 20,000
National Student-Athlete Day -- 30,000 -- 30,000
Membership dues -- 25,000 -- 30,000
Marketing, licensing, and promotions -- 1,222,000 -- 2,270,000
Public affairs -- 4,399,000 -- 4,518,000
(Publications, television productions, The NCAA
News, promotion, etc.)
Committee expense -- 3,000,000 -- 3,750,000
Administrative services -- 28,820,000 -- 32,213,000
Total NCAA operating expense -- $234,151,000 -- $265,613,000
Contingency for extraordinary expenses -- 2,000,000 -- 2,000,000
Excess of revenues over expenses -- 3,749,000 -- 0
Associated organizations
National Youth Sports Fund, Inc. -- 12,000,000 -- 11,520,000
NCAA Foundation -- 1,660,000 -- 1,965,000
Total associated organizations -- 13,660,000 -- 13,485,000
Total all expense -- $253,560,000 -- $281,098,000