National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

November 4, 1996

Legislative assistance

1996 Column No. 39
NCAA Council actions
NCAA Bylaw --
Material housing benefits

Division I institutions should note that during its October 7-9, 1996, meeting, the NCAA Council agreed to adopt noncontroversial legislation to delete the provisions of Bylaw (material housing benefits), which were designed to regulate the benefits that student-athletes may receive when housed in institutional facilities. The Council noted that Bylaw, which prohibits an institution from housing student-athletes in athletics dormitories or athletics blocks, is the only standard necessary for regulating the housing in which student-athletes may reside. Please note that Divisions II and III institutions still must abide by the material housing benefits regulation pursuant to Bylaw

NCAA Bylaw --
summer financial aid -- partial qualifiers

Division I institutions should note that during its October 7-9, 1996, meeting, the Council agreed to adopt noncontroversial legislation to indicate that Bylaw, which lists those conditions under which partial qualifiers and nonqualifiers may receive summer financial aid, no longer applies to partial qualifiers. Accordingly, effective immediately, partial qualifiers (who now are permitted to receive athletically related financial aid) may receive summer financial aid according to the provisions of Bylaw, which relates to those enrolled student-athletes who are considered qualifiers. In this regard, a partial qualifier now may receive athletically related financial aid to attend the institution's summer term or summer school, provided the student-athlete received such athletically related aid from that institution during that student-athlete's previous academic year. Further, such aid may be awarded only in proportion to the amount of athletically related financial aid received by the student-athlete during the student-athlete's previous academic year.

NCAA Bylaw
partial qualifier -- transfer eligibility

Divisions I and II institutions should note that during its October 7-9, 1996, meeting, the Council used its authority pursuant to Bylaw (modification of wording) to amend the provisions of Bylaw to permit a partial qualifier who transfers from a Division I or II institution to another Division I or II institution (prior to satisfying an academic year in residence) to engage in practice sessions only on campus or at the institution's regular practice facility during the first academic year at the new institution.

This material was provided by the legislative services staff as an aid to member institutions. If an institution has a question or comment regarding this column, such correspondence should be directed to Richard C. Perko, legislative assistant, at the NCAA national office. This information is available on the Collegiate Sports Network.