The NCAA News - News & FeaturesNovember 4, 1996
III swimming seeks computer specialist
The Division III subcommittee of the NCAA Men's and Women's Swimming Committee is seeking applicants for the position of computer entry/selection procedure specialist beginning with the 1998 Division III Men's and Women's Swimming Championships.
The Division III women's championships will be conducted March 12-14, 1998, at the St. Louis Rec Plex. The Division III men's championships will be held the following week, March 19-21, also at the St. Louis Rec Plex.
The qualified applicant should have an adequate background in swimming and be proficient in computer skills, particularly with DOS-based programs. Candidates also should have swim meet management skills in addition to modem/Internet skills. A modest stipend will be available.
Interested candidates should send a letter of application and a resume to Christine M. Pohl, assistant director of championships, NCAA, 6201 College Boulevard, Overland Park, Kansas 66211-2422, before January 6, 1997.