National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

November 4, 1996

Nominations for III committees due November 25

In preparation for Division III's movement into a restructured NCAA, nominations are being sought to fill positions on the new Division III Management Council, Nominating Committee, Budget Committee and Championships Committee.

The Management Council is the successor to the current Division III Steering Committee. The Championships Committee will be the successor to the current Division III Championships Committee, with the addition of four members.

The Budget Committee and Nominating Committee are new Division III committees and as such will have all new members.

Nominations for positions on each of the committees are due at the national office by November 25 (earlier if possible). Nominations should be sent to Fannie B. Vaughan, administrative assistant. No special form is needed to submit nominations.

Self-nominations are encouraged, along with nominations by peers. Once Vaughan receives a nomination, she will send an information form via fax to the nominee, which must be returned to her, preferably by fax.

Appointments will be completed by December 16. The full Division III membership will be asked to approve the appointments to the Management Council at the 1997 NCAA Convention. The chairs of the Division III Task Force to Review the NCAA Membership Structure, the steering committee and the Division III subcommittee of the NCAA Presidents Commission will ratify appointments to the other three committees.

Subsequent nominations for other Division III committees will be coordinated by the new Nominating Committee after the Convention, with appointments to be made by spring.

Although the Division III Presidents Council, Management Council and new committees will not officially assume responsibilities until the new governance structure takes effect in August 1997, the steering committee wants the nomination and appointment process for the Management Council and Nominating, Budget and Championships Committees to be completed before the Convention to assist in the transition to the new structure.

One goal of the committee selection process is to include representatives of as many Division III institutions as possible in the new governance structure.

Management Council

Eight positions need to be filled on the Management Council. Of those eight positions, the following must be included:

* One chief executive officer.

* Two faculty athletics representatives.

* Three athletics directors/senior woman administrators.

* Two at-large representatives.

The new members must include one ethnic minority and one individual from Region 1. One nominee may have more than one of the attributes, such as a woman CEO.

In accordance with the recommendation of the Division III restructuring task force, a person whose term on a committee is expiring cannot be replaced by someone from the same conference for one year to encourage wider participation. With that stipulation, the replacement for Edward G. Coll Jr. of Alfred University cannot be from the Presidents' Athletic Conference and the replacement for Lawrence R. Schiner of New Jersey City State College cannot be from the New Jersey Athletic Conference. Neither Schiner nor Coll can be reappointed.

Two student-athletes also will be appointed to the Management Council from the Division III members of the NCAA Student-Athlete Advisory Committee.

The Management Council will be the primary body to which Division III committees report. It in turn will report to the Presidents Council.

Duties of the Management Council will be:

* Implement policies adopted by the Association's Executive Committee and the Division III Presidents Council.

* Resolve Division III issues.

* Make recommendations to the Presidents Council related to Division III matters as it deems appropriate.

* Adopt noncontroversial and intent-based amendments, administrative bylaws and regulations to govern Division III, subject to ratification by the Presidents Council.

* Recommend legislative proposals for sponsorship by the Presidents Council.

* Interpret the bylaws of Division III.

* Delegate the resolution of Division III issues to the division's committees and consider reports and recommendations from those committees.

Championships Committee

The Championships Committee is being expanded from five members to nine members, including one student-athlete. Four members of the current Championships Committee with remaining terms will continue on the revamped committee. An additional five positions will be filled from nominations from the membership.

Of the five positions, the following must be included:

* Two NCAA Council members.

* One student-athlete.

* One at-large representative.

Of those positions, two must be filled by women and two by men. There must be one representative from each of the following geographical districts -- 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7. Further, the replacement for Sam S. Bedrosian of Central College (Iowa) cannot be from the Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference.

Duties of the new Championships Committee will include:

* Making budgetary recommendations to the Budget Committee concerning Division III championships.

* Supervising qualifications and/or selection procedures for championships.

* Maintaining oversight responsibilities for applicable playing regulations in the areas of player safety, financial impact and image of the sport, and approving appeals for division-specific exceptions to the playing regulations when significant financial impact could occur (subject to final authority of the Management Council).

* Reviewing recommendations from sports committees regarding administration of the championships.

* Processing other issues related to the administration of events.

* Acting as the final authority regarding championships matters in Division III that are subject to appeal.

* Assisting in the appointment of the members of the Division III sports committees, subject to approval of the Management Council and the Presidents Council.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee will be composed of eight persons. The four members from the current NCAA Nominating Committee will be appointed to the new committee, so nominations are needed for the other four positions.

Nominations are needed for:

* Two former officers or former Council members.

* One chief executive officer who is a current or former member of the Management Council.

* One at-large representative.

Two of the new members must be women and two must be men. Each of the four new members must represent one of the four Division III regions.

The Nominating Committee will coordinate nominations for the Division III Management Council, all standing committees that report to the Management Council, all Division III sports committees and all Division III positions on Association-wide and common committees.

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee will review all budgetary requests forwarded by the Management Council related to the annual Division III budget and will forward any budgetary recommendations back to the Management Council. The committee also will monitor administration of the annual budget and report to the Management Council on a regular basis concerning it.

The Budget Committee will have eight members:

* The vice-chair of the Division III Presidents Council will serve as chair.

* The vice-chair of the Management Council.

* Another Management Council member.

* Another Presidents Council member.

* A member of the Championships Committee.

* One chief executive officer selected at large who cannot also serve on the Presidents Council, Management Council or Championships Committee.

* Two at-large athletics administrators who do not serve on the Management Council or Championships Committee.

Nominations are sought for the six members of the committee who will not serve as Presidents Council or Management Council vice-chairs.

Individuals with questions regarding the Division III nominating process are encouraged to contact Daniel T. Dutcher, Division III chief of staff; Marybeth Ruskamp, assistant Division III chief of staff; or Vaughan at the national office.