National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

October 7, 1996

Consultants revise international academic standards guide

The NCAA Foreign-Student Records Consultants reviewed the Guide to International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility during their annual meeting September 21-22 in Kansas City, Missouri.

The consultants made several revisions to the guide, including updates of sections regarding Bulgaria and the Dominican Republic. The next edition of the guide will be published this December.

The consultants also discussed the possibility of separating the countries within the Soviet-Patterned Education block into their own sections. Though no decision was reached, the consultants agreed to revisit the issue at their next meeting.

In addition, the consultants heard a presentation from NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse assistant manager Ellen Wetzel, who reported that 6,498 foreign student-athletes were registered in the clearinghouse database to date.

Of those, 2,429 were 1995 high-school graduates who entered college in the 1995-96 academic year and 1,418 were 1996 graduates who entered school in 1996-97. The remainder are either 1994 graduates or potential 1997 graduates who will enter school next fall.