National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

September 30, 1996

Administrative Committee minutes

Conference No. 19
September 18, 1996

1. Acting for the Council, the Administrative Committee:

a. Appointed Britt S. King, women's basketball coach, University of District of Columbia, to the Division II Women's Basketball Committee, replacing Jan H. Kiger, no longer at an NCAA member.

b. Appointed Linda E. Dollar, assistant director of athletics, Southwest Missouri State University, to the Division I Women's Volleyball Committee, replacing Betsy G. Stephenson, University of California, Los Angeles, resigned.

c. Appointed Thomas E. Yeager, commissioner, Colonial Athletic Association, as the Council representative to the Honors Committee, replacing Kevin White, no longer a member of the Council.

d. Considered the August 29 action of the Administrative Committee to revise temporarily an interpretation regarding initial-eligibility certification to specify that a student-athlete who has an initial-eligibility waiver request pending with the NCAA Council Subcommittee on Initial-Eligibility Waivers may continue to practice until the waiver request has been initially acted upon by the subcommittee (or staff acting on behalf of the subcommittee), and to specify that the student-athlete may continue to receive benefits incidental to participation (i.e., preseason room and board) until a decision has been reached or until the first day of classes, whichever is earlier; and agreed that it would be permissible for institutions to retroactively cover the cost of preseason room and board (up to the day on which a decision was reached or the first day of classes, whichever is earlier) for those student-athletes who, prior to the Administrative Committee's action, paid their own room and board to remain on campus or in the locale of the institution.

e. Upon the recommendation of the Recruiting Committee, amended Bylaw 30.11.2-(m)-(1) to indicate that in the state of Hawaii, evaluations in Division I women's basketball shall be permissible only between July 8 and July 31 and between March 1 and May 31, as opposed to the current legislation of April 17 and May 7, noting that the Hawaii High School Athletic Association had amended the girls' high-school basketball season to be in comparison with the length of the boys' season.

f. Denied a request from a member institution to permit Division II basketball teams to conduct a midnight basketball scrimmage on October 13, two days prior to the permissible practice start date of October 15.

g. Approved a request from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, for a waiver under the provisions of Bylaw (residence requirement) to permit a student-athlete who was a member of the University of Maine, Orono, men's ice hockey team to transfer to Massachusetts.

h. Approved a request for an incidental-expense waiver per Bylaw 16.13.1 to permit California State University, Chico, to pay the cost of repairing damage to a student-athlete's car that was vandalized.

i. Denied a request for an incidental-expense waiver per Bylaw 16.13.1 from an institution to provide expenses for a student-athlete who did not receive initial-eligibility certification to return to his home.

j. Approved a request from the University of Notre Dame for an incidental-expense waiver per Bylaw 16.13.1 to reimburse travel expenses for the parent of a former student-athlete from the campus to his home.

k. Remanded to the Academic Requirements Committee for consideration new information relative to an appeal by Texas Tech University for a waiver of Bylaw

2. Acting for the Executive Committee, the Administrative Committee revised the regional format for the 1997 Division II Women's Tennis Championships to specify that six teams will advance automatically to the 16-team finals and that 10 regional tournaments of four teams each will be conducted to determine the remainder of the championship field, noting that this would be consistent with the format for the Division II Men's Tennis Championships.

3. Report of actions taken by the executive director per Constitution 4.3.2. Acting for the Council:

a. Granted requests from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa; Boise State University; the University of Maine, Orono; and Youngstown State University to temporarily replace coaches in the sports of football, women's gymnastics and ice hockey per Bylaw

b. Granted a request per Bylaw from the U. S. Military Academy to use an alternate facility for home contests in the sport of soccer due to the renovation of its own facility.

c. Granted waivers per Bylaw and (d) to permit student-athletes from various institutions to participate in competition involving national teams in fencing, field hockey, golf, rifle, softball, swimming and tennis.

d. Granted a waiver per Bylaw to permit a student-athlete who originally was diagnosed with a career-ending injury to receive aid and not be considered a counter for the previous academic year.

e. Granted waivers per Bylaw 16.13.1 to permit institutions to provide incidental expenses in these situations:

(1) To student-athletes to attend ceremonies where they will be honored.

(2) To student-athletes to attend the funerals of a coaching staff member and members of the student-athletes' families.

(3) To provide flowers to families of those involved in funerals.

(4) To provide flowers to a student-athlete who had been hospitalized.

(5) To a university to provide transportation expenses to the parents of a student-athlete who sustained a serious injury during competition.

(6) To an organization to provide transportation expenses to a student-athlete to attend post-Olympic Games functions at which the student-athlete will be honored.