National Collegiate Athletic Association

The NCAA News - News & Features

June 3, 1996

Elections suspended for officers, governing body members

Elections of Association officers and members of the NCAA Council, Presidents Commission and Executive Committee scheduled in January 1997 have been suspended until after implementation of the restructuring plan.

The Council, using its authority to enact legislation that is deemed noncontroversial, recently amended provisions of the NCAA Constitution dealing with elections of officers and members of the Association's governing bodies.

The Council also amended Bylaw 21 to suspend the nomination and selection process for vacancies scheduled to occur during 1997 on NCAA rules, sports and general committees.

The actions affect elections of the Association's president and secretary-treasurer, which were scheduled for the 1997 Convention. As a result, Eugene F. Corrigan of the Atlantic Coast Conference will continue to serve as president until implementation of the restructuring plan adopted in 1996 Convention Proposal No. 7.

The term of Secretary-Treasurer Phyllis L. Howlett of the Big Ten Conference also will be extended.

A scheduled election for the Division II vice-presidency also is affected. Lynn L. Dorn of North Dakota State University, whose term is scheduled to expire in January 1997, will remain in that post.

The action also affects elections for the Council scheduled during the 1997 Convention, elections for the Presidents Commission that typically are conducted during the month before the Convention, and selection of Executive Committee members by the Council immediately after adjournment of the Convention.

Members of those governing bodies whose terms are scheduled to expire in January 1997 also will continue to serve until the implementation of restructuring.

The Council, which acted to suspend the 1997 elections during its April meeting, also suspended the committee nomination and selection process that is conducted by the NCAA Men's and Women's Committees on Committees and NCAA Nominating Committee.

The Council's action involving Bylaw 21 effectively cancels the appointment of those committees for the 1997 Convention. Committee members whose terms expire prior to implementation of restructuring will continue to serve until the plan is enacted.

Until then, interim committee vacancies will be filled by the NCAA Administrative Committee in accordance with policies previously established by the Council.

The legislative changes approved by the Council will be published in the July 1 issue of The NCAA Register as part of a report of recently adopted noncontroversial legislative proposals.

Noncontroversial legislation also is published in the Official Notice of the Convention and subsequently is incorporated into the NCAA Manual if no objection is raised by the membership.